
  • [贫民窟的百万富翁] 《贫民窟的百万富翁》电影台词(44) 日期:2016-09-27 12:38:41 点击:78 好评:0

    [04:49.68]Go fast. 走快一点 [04:51.68]Twenty seconds. 还有20秒 [04:58.60]Do the right thing, and in approximately three minutes, 只要答对,再过3分钟 [04:59.52]youll be as famous as me. 你就要像我一样成名了 [00:02.92]...

  • [贫民窟的百万富翁] 《贫民窟的百万富翁》电影台词(43) 日期:2016-09-27 12:38:22 点击:100 好评:0

    [02:57.12]Well be right back. 节目马上回来 [03:09.20]The guy from the slums2 来自贫民窟的人 [03:11.68]becomes a millionaire overnight3. 在一夕之间成为百万富翁 [03:16.32]You know whos the only other person whos done t...

  • [贫民窟的百万富翁] 《贫民窟的百万富翁》电影台词(42) 日期:2016-09-27 12:37:45 点击:94 好评:0

    [04:11.72]A, Sachin Tendulkar, A:沙钦坦都卡 [04:13.00]B, ricky Ponting, B:瑞奇彭亭 [04:15.16]C, Michael Slater, C:麦可史雷特 [04:17.44]or D,Jack Hobbs? 还是D:杰克哈布斯 [04:25.40]But remember, if you answer wrong... 记住...

  • [贫民窟的百万富翁] 《贫民窟的百万富翁》电影台词(41) 日期:2016-09-27 12:37:29 点击:185 好评:0

    [02:53.16]No, no, no! 不行 [03:00.24]ln the deep, thats a good throw. Flat... 这一球打得很漂亮 [03:09.36]Boucher seems very confident. 布雪看起来自信满满 [03:10.28]Tendulkar got in and out very quickly. 坦都卡才上场就...

  • [贫民窟的百万富翁] 《贫民窟的百万富翁》电影台词(40) 日期:2016-09-27 12:37:10 点击:166 好评:0

    [01:34.16]l want to bet2 five lakh rupees hell make a century. 我赌50万卢比他得分会破百 [01:43.28]What are you giving? 你出多少? [01:45.68]Make it seven then. 那就是70万吧 [01:51.52]Come away with me. 跟我走 [01:54.52...

  • [贫民窟的百万富翁] 《贫民窟的百万富翁》电影台词(39) 日期:2016-09-27 12:35:30 点击:140 好评:0

    [04:30.16]Jamal... 杰默 [04:36.36]look at you. 瞧瞧你 [04:45.08]l found you... 我找到你了 [04:49.96]l found you... 我找到你了 [00:01.28]Your face... 你的脸 [00:03.76]youve hurt your eye. 你的眼睛受伤了 [00:05.68]Why...

  • [贫民窟的百万富翁] 《贫民窟的百万富翁》电影台词(38) 日期:2016-09-27 12:35:13 点击:98 好评:0

    [00:45.92]You stay with me now, younger brother. 你搬来跟我住吧 [00:48.20]Now go, my place. 去我住的地方 [00:50.00]Salim, where is Latika? 萨林,拉蒂卡呢? [00:53.76]Still? 还在想她? [00:59.48]Shes gone, brother. 她走了...

  • [贫民窟的百万富翁] 《贫民窟的百万富翁》电影台词(37) 日期:2016-09-27 12:34:39 点击:89 好评:0

    [04:11.40]Liar! 骗人! [04:12.28]We waited weeks for you at Nagpur. 在那格玻尔等了你几个礼拜 [04:14.88]There was no message. 没人留言 [04:16.96]Brother, l defiinitely left a message. 我有留言啊 [04:17.28]There was no m...

  • [贫民窟的百万富翁] 《贫民窟的百万富翁》电影台词(36) 日期:2016-09-27 12:34:18 点击:201 好评:0

    [01:49.68]Dare l ask why? 请问是为什么? [01:50.64]Too obvious. 这太明显了 [01:51.36]Theres definitely an Oxford2 Circus in London, 伦敦有个牛津广场 [01:53.52]and theres a rowing race between Oxford and Cambridge, 牛津和剑...

  • [贫民窟的百万富翁] 《贫民窟的百万富翁》电影台词(35) 日期:2016-09-27 12:33:49 点击:203 好评:0

    [00:07.76](找到26283笔资料) [00:14.72](萨林马利) [00:20.28](找到15笔资料) [00:31.04](拨号中) [00:34.08]Salim? 萨林? [00:35.88]Who is this? Do you know what time is this? 你是谁?你知道现在几点了吗? [00:35.92]Ye...
