[00:45.92]You stay with me now, younger brother. 你搬来跟我住吧
[00:48.20]Now go, my place. 去我住的地方
[00:50.00]Salim, where is Latika? 萨林,拉蒂卡呢?
[00:53.76]Still? 还在想她?
[00:59.48]She’s gone, brother. 她走了
[01:00.56]Long gone. 早就走了
[01:03.36]Now go. 快去吧
[01:04.20]Go to my place. 去我住的地方
[01:31.08]Okay, l’ll be right there. 好,我马上过去
[02:06.84]Let’s go. 走吧
[02:37.64]You forgot it. 你忘了这个
[02:51.76]l am the new cook from the agency. A thousand apologies. 我是新来的厨师,真是对不起
[02:52.80]Brother. 老哥
[02:56.56]l am so late for the Memsaab. 迟到了这么久
[02:57.04]Just a minute. 等一下
[03:14.84]Excuse me... 不好意思
[03:14.96]Excuse me... 不好意思
[03:17.40]there’s nothing about any cook. 没人要请厨师
[03:21.80]There is a dishwasher being delivered. 倒是有人要送洗碗机来
[03:21.88]Do you know anything about that? 你知道这件事吗?
[03:25.76]l am your dishwasher. 老哥,我就是人力洗碗机