[04:11.72]’’A,’’ Sachin Tendulkar, A:沙钦坦都卡
[04:13.00]’’B,’’ ricky Ponting, B:瑞奇彭亭
[04:15.16]’’C,’’ Michael Slater, C:麦可史雷特
[04:17.44]or ’’D,’’Jack Hobbs? 还是D:杰克哈布斯
[04:25.40]But remember, if you answer wrong... 记住,如果你答错了
[04:28.32]you lose everything... 你就半毛钱也没有
[04:29.08]just like this. 奖金化为乌有
[04:35.96]So, do you want to do this? 你想继续吗?
[00:02.28]Dreams of so many... 这么多人的梦想
[00:04.20]on the floor. 都幻灭了
[01:27.20]Latika! 拉蒂卡!
[01:30.16]Latika! 拉蒂卡!
[01:40.20]Latika! 拉蒂卡!
[01:49.24]Latika! 拉蒂卡!
[01:53.04]Latika! Latika! 拉蒂卡!
[02:01.16]Jamal! 杰默!
[02:02.76]Jamal! 杰默!
[02:12.08]Latika! 拉蒂卡!
[02:14.52]Jamal! 杰默!
[02:28.60]Jamal! 杰默!
[02:36.16]Jamal! 杰默!
[02:39.28]Latika! 拉蒂卡!
[02:39.84]Please! 求求你!
[02:43.84]Latika! 拉蒂卡!
[02:45.20]Latika! 拉蒂卡!
[02:51.68]Time for a commercial break, ladies and gentlemen. 要进广告了,各位
[02:55.36]l know, l know. l can’t stand the tension1 either. 我知道,我也等不及了啊