


时间:2016-12-11 21:54来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:29.92]which are always acceptable to the ladies [02:30.76]and which I conceive myself particularly bound to pay. 我认为这也是我应该说的话 [02:37.48]BENNET: How happy for you, Mr Collins, 我真是为你高兴 [02:39.80]to po
  •   [02:29.92]which are always acceptable to the ladies
      [02:30.76]and which I conceive myself particularly bound to pay. 我认为这也是我应该说的话
      [02:37.48]BENNET: How happy for you, Mr Collins, 我真是为你高兴
      [02:39.80]to possess the talent for flattering with such delicacy12. 你拥有这种奉承讨好的天份
      [02:44.32]Do these pleasing attentions proceed from 你这种讨好的话都是即兴发挥
      [02:47.52]the impulse of the moment 还是事先打过草稿呢?
      [02:47.68]or are they the result of previous study?
      [02:51.68]COLLINS: They arise chiefly from what is passing at the time, 大部份都是随机应变
      [02:52.04]and though I do sometimes amuse myself 有时候也会事先打个草稿
      [02:55.72]with arranging such little elegant compliments,
      [02:56.56]I always wish to give them as unstudied an air as possible. 不过说的时候尽量自然流露
      [03:02.72]Believe me, no one would suspect your manners to be rehearsed. 相信我,没有人会怀疑 你会撒谎不打草稿
      [03:04.92](LYDIA LAUGHS)
      [03:13.12]After dinner I thought I might read to you all for an hour or two. 饭后我想为大家朗读一、两小时
      [03:17.44]I have with me Fordyce's Sermons 我带了福代斯的《讲道集》
      [03:19.96]which speak very eloquently13 on all matters moral. 他对道德方面有很精辟的见解
      [03:23.16]Are you familiar with Fordyce's Sermons, Miss Bennet? 你熟悉福代斯的讲道吗?
      [03:34.52]Mrs Bennet, you do know that I've been bestowed14 贝内特夫人,凯萨琳夫人
      [03:36.72]by the good grace of Lady Catherine de Bourg 赠与我一栋不小的房子
      [03:39.72]a parsonage of no mean size.
      [03:40.56]I have become aware of the fact. 我知道这件事
      [03:44.08]I may find a mistress for it and I have to inform you 我必须向你告知
      [03:44.24]Well, it is my avowed15 hope that soon 我希望能找到一位女主人
      [03:48.76]that the eldest16 Miss Bennet has captured my special attention. 我很中意贝家的长女
      [03:56.28]Oh, Mr Collins, 柯林斯先生
      [03:57.44]unfortunately, it is incumbent17 upon me 这真不巧
      [04:02.80]to hint that the eldest Miss Bennet 我必须先告诉你
      [04:06.16]is very soon to be engaged. 我们家老大就快要订婚了
      [04:07.16]Engaged? 订婚?
      [04:10.52]But Miss Lizzie, next to her in both age and beauty, 不过老二莉琪也很漂亮

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