


时间:2015-09-08 12:30来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:03.76]nothing could hurt us. 就什么也伤害不了我们 [02:14.98]I love you. 我爱你 [02:22.11]Good. 很好 [03:26.13]The rains letting up. Do you want to go to the top of your hill? 雨停了,想去你的山顶吗? [03:31.43]No.
  •   [02:03.76]nothing could hurt us. 就什么也伤害不了我们
      [02:14.98]I love you. 我爱你
      [02:22.11]Good. 很好
      [03:26.13]The rain's letting up. Do you want to go to the top of your hill? 雨停了,想去你的山顶吗?
      [03:31.43]No. 不想
      [03:36.02]I want to take you somewhere else. 我要带你去别处
      [03:39.52]Do I have to climb? 我非爬不可吗?
      [03:55.37]Maybe we should wait another minute. 也许我们该再等一会
      [03:59.04]Good idea. 好主意
      [04:44.42]Your dad was a very handsome guy. 你爸长的很帅呢
      [04:47.22]So I guess you took after your mom, right? 所以我猜你长的像你妈,对吧?
      [04:52.85]He spent a lot of time here? 他多半时候都待在这里?
      [04:54.72]Yeah, he did. 没错
      [04:56.14]After he got laid off in '93. Here all the time. 他1993年被解雇之后 就一直待在这里
      [00:02.23]When I was a kid, my dad was my hero. 我小时候,我爸是我的英雄
      [00:05.15]I thought he was the strongest man in the world. 觉得他是全世界最强壮的人
      [00:09.45]He was so proud. 他那时好骄傲
      [00:12.07]His job at the factory wasn't just any job to him, you know? 他工厂里的工作对他来说 不只是随便的任何工作,你懂吗?
      [00:17.66]Everyone loved him. 大家都爱他
      [00:20.08]And his family, we all worshiped1 him. 而他的家人,我们都崇拜他
      [00:24.63]He sounds wonderful. 听起来他人很棒
      [00:26.30]He is. 没错
      [00:29.93]Well, he was. 过去是
      [00:32.64]Then the owner decided to relocate and they all lost their jobs. 后来老板决定迁厂 员工全都失业了
      [00:38.81]He never found another. This became his second home. 他再也没找到工作 这里就成了他的第二个家
      [00:49.32]From the age of 15 on I don't think I ever saw him sober3. 从我十五岁起 好像就没看他酒醒过

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