


时间:2015-08-27 20:36来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:58.83]I just thought the scooter seemed a little... speedy. 我只是觉得那辆机车 好像有点...超速了 [01:07.84]Watch where youre going! 走路小心点! [01:09.26]Youve got to be kidding me. 你一定是在开我玩笑 [01:1
  •   [00:58.83]I just thought the scooter seemed a little... speedy. 我只是觉得那辆机车 好像有点...超速了
      [01:07.84]Watch where you're going! 走路小心点!
      [01:09.26]You've got to be kidding me. 你一定是在开我玩笑
      [01:16.64]It wasn't a dream. 那不是梦
      [01:18.48]What? 什么?
      [01:20.27]All these things happening today, every single one, 今天发生的这些事,每一件事
      [01:23.27]I already knew they would happen. 我早已知道会发生
      [01:24.98]What do you mean? 什么意思?
      [01:25.86]The leatherjacket. The burn. The coca cola spilled on your sweater. 皮大衣、烫伤 可口可乐洒在你的毛衣上
      [01:29.15]I already saw or dreamt those things. Some happened a little differently, but... 我都已经看过或梦见过 有些是有点不太一样,不过...
      [01:34.37]Okay Ian, calm down. You know, sometimes I've had deja vu, and it... 好的,伊恩,镇静点 有时候我也碰过巧合...
      [01:38.08]But it's not deja vu. In deja vu... 但它不是巧合,在巧合里...
      [01:41.00]it feels like it's already happened. You don't know what's going to happen. 它好像已经发生过了 你却不知道会发生什么
      [01:44.50]Alright, what happened in the dream that freaked you out so badly? 好了,梦里发生什么事 让你这么紧张万分?
      [01:48.80]It was... 那个梦...
      [01:56.68]it was awful. 很可怕
      [01:59.39]Okay. Let's be logical2 about this. 好吧,我们逻辑一点

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      如果能再爱一次      

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