


时间:2015-08-27 20:34来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:32.28]but I just feel that Im a very high second priority for you. 但我觉得我对你来说 只是排在第二优先顺位 [02:41.20]That hurts. 真是令人伤心 [02:46.83]And the worst part is Im starting to get used to it. 最糟糕
  •   [02:32.28]but I just feel that I'm a very high second priority for you. 但我觉得我对你来说 只是排在第二优先顺位
      [02:41.20]That hurts. 真是令人伤心
      [02:46.83]And the worst part is I'm starting to get used to it. 最糟糕的部份是: 我开始习惯了
      [02:51.55]I don't understand. 我不懂
      [02:54.76]I know. 我知道你不懂
      [02:59.14]It's what kills me. 我就是受不了这点
      [03:03.14]If there'd just been one day, Ian... 如果有过那么一天,伊恩...
      [03:05.94]one day, when nothing else mattered for us... 就一天,我们之间毫无问题阻隔...
      [03:09.94]- I adore you! - I don't wanna be adored. -我崇拜你! -我不想被崇拜
      [03:15.15]I wanna be loved. 我希望被爱
      [03:19.66]Where are you going? 你要去哪里?
      [03:22.16]Spend the night at Lottie's, to the airport tomorrow and... 在洛蒂家过夜 一直到明天去机场...
      [03:28.37]I can't do this anymore. 我无法再这样下去了
      [03:39.18]I saw you at the travel agency today. 我今天看到你去旅行社
      [03:43.43]Where are you going? 你要去哪?
      [03:45.52]Johannesburg, business. 约翰尼斯堡,出差
      [04:04.33]Samantha, Samantha wait, please. 珊曼莎,珊曼莎等等,拜讬
      [04:08.66]You can't do this to me. You can't leave me. 你不能这样对我 你不能离开我
      [04:13.84]You're saying, you're saying that I'll never see you again? 你是说我再也见不到你了吗?
      [04:23.76]You coming or not? 你要不要上车?
      [04:32.77]In or out my friend, it's your choice. 上或下,我的朋友,由你选择
      [04:40.55]So sorry. 真是遗憾
      [04:54.07]I really did. 我真的想

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      如果能再爱一次      

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