


时间:2022-02-14 14:57来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:59.22]I heard about Willie. 威利的事情我听说了 [01:00.22]Thats cold. Thats dead cold. 非常无情,太无情了 [01:03.50]Of course, it wouldnt be so bad if you werent so damn old. 当然,要不是你年纪都这么大了 还
  • [00:59.22]I heard about Willie. 威利的事情我听说了
    [01:00.22]That's cold. That's dead cold. 非常无情,太无情了
    [01:03.50]Of course, it wouldn't be so bad if you weren't so damn old. 当然,要不是你年纪都这么大了 还不算太残酷
    [01:07.30]Yeah, well, at Ieast I can see through both eyes. 嗯,至少我还能用两只眼睛看
    [01:09.74]Didn't do you a Iot of good though, did it? 不过也没给你带来多少好处,不是吗?
    [01:14.22]Well, I've got the gym. 我还有这个训练馆
    [01:16.22]Don't need to be training fighters at my age. 我这个年纪也不用再训练拳手了
    [01:19.38]Willie tell you why? 威利告诉你原因了?
    [01:23.18]It was Mickey. Mickey's got the connections. 是米奇 米奇有他的关系
    [01:26.46]Oh, it ain't about connections. It's about you not believing in him. 这不是因为关系 这是因为你对他没有信心
    [01:28.46]Well, I found him, I stuck with him for eight years. 我发掘了他 在他身上花了八年的心血
    [01:30.94]How's that for not believing in him? 这叫我对他没信心?
    [01:33.50]You could've got him a title fight two years ago. Hell, he knew that. 两年前你就可以让他去打冠军赛了 他是知道的
    [01:35.78]I'm amazed he stayed around this Iong. 他能在你身边呆这么久 我都感到吃惊
    [01:38.86]Well, getting there and taking home the belt are two different things. 这个嘛,去参加比赛 和把腰带赢回家完全是两回事
    [01:43.58]What was I supposed to do, just put him in over his head? 我应该怎么办 让他去参加赢不了的比赛?

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