


时间:2022-02-14 14:56来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:16.14]And I gotta make the change before the fight. 而且我得在比赛前换经理人 [04:19.14]Only way this guy say hed take me is if he took me to the title. 他说必须让他带我去打冠军赛 他才会签下我 [04:23.18]So
  • [04:16.14]And I gotta make the change before the fight. 而且我得在比赛前换经理人
    [04:19.14]Only way this guy say he'd take me is if he took me to the title. 他说必须让他带我去打冠军赛 他才会签下我
    [04:23.18]So I get you the title fight, and this guy takes you there? 所以我给你安排冠军赛 然后他带你去参加
    [04:25.70]Only way he'd do it. 他说必须这样
    [04:28.38]I'm sorry, Frankie. I know how Iong you waiting on a title. 很抱歉,弗兰基 我知道你等冠军很久了
    [04:32.26]I wish it could've been with me. 我也希望能和你一起
    [04:36.50]Mickey Mack's a businessman. He can't teach you nothing. 米奇 麦克是个生意人 他什么也教不了你
    [04:40.58]You already taught me everything I need to know. 你已经教会了一切我需要知道的
    [04:50.94]There's some things people just don 't want to hear. 有些话人们永远都不愿意听
    [00:04.22]And I challenge the Motor City Cobra, Thomas " Hit Man" Hearns... 我要挑战“城市机动眼镜蛇” 还有“刺客”汤马斯 赫尔斯...
    [00:08.82]...to fight me for the welterweight championship of the whole world. ......争夺次中量级世界冠军!
    [00:14.70]Danger, I'm wearing these mitts1 for a reason. 丹吉尔,我这个拳套不是白戴的
    [00:18.74]Just working on my footwork, Mr. Scrap2. 只是练习一下我的步伐 斯科雷普先生
    [00:21.26]Danger, you throw a punch or get the hell out of this gym. 丹吉尔,你打一拳 要不然就滚出去
    [00:30.66]Danger, while you thinking about that punch, I'II be right back. 丹吉尔,好好想想那一拳 我马上就回来
    [00:34.86]I'm thinking how I'm gonna hit it hard for you, Mr. Scrap. 我想我会狠狠打那一拳,斯科雷普先生
    [00:44.18]No one had the heart to tell Danger that Hearns retired3 years ago. 没人忍心告诉丹吉尔 赫尔斯好多年前就已经退休了

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