


时间:2021-06-16 15:04来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:41.82]Not a word. Neither one of them. 他们两个人,一个字都没说 [00:47.50]Im trying to read here. 我正打算读书 [00:49.90]Well, if you think thats more important. 好吧,如果你觉得读书更重要 [00:53.46]Whos y
  • [00:41.82]Not a word. Neither one of them. 他们两个人,一个字都没说
    [00:47.50]I'm trying to read here. 我正打算读书
    [00:49.90]Well, if you think that's more important. 好吧,如果你觉得读书更重要
    [00:53.46]Who's your new girl? 新来的那个女孩是谁?
    [00:56.34]What? 什么?
    [01:10.14]Jesus Christ2. 我的老天
    [01:10.94]She keeps hitting it Iike that, she gonna break her wrists3. 她要继续这么打沙袋 手腕迟早会断
    [01:23.18]You're wasting your time. I told you I don't train girls. 你在浪费时间 我告诉过你我不训练女人
    [01:25.82]Thought you might change your mind. 我想你也许会改变主意
    [01:28.74]Dozens of trainers train girls. You won't have any trouble finding4 one. 外面有至少一打训练师训练女人 找到一个很容易
    [01:31.82]Don't hardly need a dozen, boss. You'II do fine. 我不需要一打,老板 您一个就会很好
    [01:33.50]Don't call me boss, now. I'm not your boss, and don't you be calling me that. 别叫我老板,我不是你老板 你别再这么叫了
    [01:39.58]-Willie, you ready to work? -Anytime. - 威利,你准备好了么? - 随时可以开始
    [01:41.98]If I stop calling you boss, will you train me? 如果我不叫你老板 你会训练我么?
    [01:45.26]No. 不会
    [01:45.82]Then I might as well keep calling you it. 那我还是继续这样叫您好了
    [01:50.58]She came from southwestern Missouri... 她从密苏里州西南部来...
    [01:53.46]...the hills outside the scratch-ass Ozark town of Theodosia... ...欧扎克地区的小城镇 西奥多西亚城外的山上...

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      英文电视剧台词      经典英文电影      百万美元宝贝      

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