


时间:2021-06-16 15:00来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:40.16]Now, two or three more fights and weII be ready. 再多打两三场比赛 我们就准备充分了 [03:44.60]Whatever you say, Frankie. 都听你的,弗兰基 [03:46.48]Frankie liked to say that boxing is an unnatural 5 act... 弗
  • [03:40.16]Now, two or three more fights and we'II be ready. 再多打两三场比赛 我们就准备充分了
    [03:44.60]Whatever you say, Frankie. 都听你的,弗兰基
    [03:46.48]Frankie liked to say that boxing is an unnatural5 act... 弗兰基总喜欢说 拳击是一种不自然的运动
    [03:50.20]...that everything in boxing is backwards6. 因为拳击中的每样东西都是逆向的
    [03:56.64]Sometimes... 有时...
    [03:57.72]...best way to deliver a punch is step back. ...打出一记重拳 的最好方法是退后一步
    [04:08.48]Well, do your best, Lord... 我的主啊,请尽力...
    [04:12.44]...protect Katy. ...保护凯蒂
    [04:16.84]Annie too. 还有安妮
    [04:18.92]Other than that... 至于其他的...
    [04:20.92]...you know what I want, there's no use me repeating myself. ...你知道我想要什么 所以我再重复也没有什么用
    [04:25.76]But step back too far, you ain 't fighting at all. 但是退后太多 你就已经退出比赛了
    [00:20.02]-Bye. -Bye. - 再见 - 再见
    [00:23.30]Father, that was a great sermon. Made me weep. 神父,布道很精彩,让我流泪
    [00:24.78]What's confusing you this week? 你这周又有什么疑惑?
    [00:28.30]Oh, it's the same old one-God-three-God thing. 噢,就是那个老掉牙的三位一体的问题
    [00:29.86]Frankie, most people figure out by kindergarten it's about faith. 弗兰基, 大多数人幼儿园的时候 就知道一切都是信心的问题
    [00:34.46]Is it sort of Iike Snap, Crackle and Pop all rolled up in one big box? 是不是有点象三种不一样的萨其马 都装在一个大盒子里?
    [00:40.26]You're standing1 outside my church comparing God to Rice Krispies? 你站在我的教堂外面 把上帝比做点心?

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