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  • 常用新闻英语词汇(15) 日期:2013-10-08 16:30:08 点击:307 好评:0

    常用新闻英语词汇 保理业务 factoring business 保险费 insurance premium 保险赔付金额 compensation pay-outs 保险索赔 insurance claim 保障合同和交易安全 guarantee contracts and safe dealings 保障民众和社会...

  • 常用新闻英语词汇(14) 日期:2013-10-08 16:29:17 点击:229 好评:0

    常用新闻英语词汇 爆冷门 produce an unexpected winner; a dark horse bobbing up 暴力片 splatter film 保龄球 bowling 保龄球馆 bowling alley 保释 on bail 保税仓库 bonded warehouse 保税区 the low-tax, tariff-free zo...

  • 常用新闻英语词汇(13) 日期:2013-10-08 16:28:14 点击:333 好评:0

    常用新闻英语词汇 保护消费者合法权益 protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers 保护主义 protectionism 包机 charter a plane; a chartered plane 报价单 quotation of prices 保健按摩 therapeutic massag...

  • 常用新闻英语词汇(12) 日期:2013-10-08 16:26:05 点击:259 好评:0

    常用新闻英语词汇 包房 to reserve rooms in a hotel or guest house (for exclusive use) 报复性关税 retaliatory duty 包干到户 work contracted to household 包干制 overall rationing system; scheme of payment partly in kind a...

  • 常用新闻英语词汇(11) 日期:2013-10-08 16:24:41 点击:339 好评:0

    常用新闻英语词汇 伴宴人员 escort 搬运工人 transport worker 帮倒忙 trying to help but causing more trouble in the process; kiss of death 傍大款 (of a girl) find a sugar daddy; be a mistress for a rich man; lean on a mon...

  • 常用新闻英语词汇(10) 日期:2013-09-29 15:17:44 点击:433 好评:0

    常用新闻英语词汇 班门弄斧 teach ones grandma to suck eggs 办年货 do New Years shopping 搬迁户 a relocated unit or household 版权法 copyright law 版权贸易 copyright business 版权所有 copyright reserved; copyright...

  • 常用新闻英语词汇(9) 日期:2013-09-29 15:16:57 点击:236 好评:0

    常用新闻英语词汇 板儿寸 crew cut 办公室设备 office equipment 办公自动化 OA (Office Automation) 半官方贸易 semi-official trade 颁奖大会 award presentation ceremony 半决赛 semifinal 半决赛四强 four semifi...

  • 常用新闻英语词汇(8) 日期:2013-09-29 15:15:24 点击:265 好评:0

    常用新闻英语词汇 白马王子 Prince Charming 拜年 pay a New Years visit 摆谱儿 put on airs; show off; keep up appearances 白色行情表 white sheet 白色农业 white agriculture (also called white engineering agriculture; I...

  • 常用新闻英语词汇(7) 日期:2013-09-29 15:14:55 点击:234 好评:0

    常用新闻英语词汇 百年老店 century-old shop 白皮书 white paper 白热化 white heat 白色农业 white agriculture 白色污染 white pollution 摆脱贫困 shake off poverty; lift oneself from poverty 百闻不如一见 Seein...

  • 常用新闻英语词汇(6) 日期:2013-09-29 15:14:12 点击:319 好评:0

    常用新闻英语词汇 八字没一撇 Not even the first stroke of the character is in sight; Nothing tangible is yet in sight. 八卦 Eight Diagrams; bagua 拔河(游戏) tug-of-war 摆花架子 a metaphor for presenting an attractive f...
