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  • 《天气预报员》电影台词(42) 日期:2018-01-12 12:25:40 点击:90 好评:0

    [00:03.14]-Hello? -Hello? Dave? -喂? -喂?戴维? [00:06.02]-What? -lts Mark Dersen from Hello America. -是谁? -我是你好美国节目的马克.德尔讯 [00:09.78]Hi, Dave. 嗨,戴维 [00:23.62]-Take care. -Okay. -保重 -好...

  • 《天气预报员》电影台词(41) 日期:2018-01-12 12:25:04 点击:157 好评:0

    [03:46.98]-Whats that? -Whats the Nipper this week? -那是什么? -这星期的大钳是哪一天? [03:48.78]l dont know. 我不知道 [03:51.54]You dont know yet? 你还不知道? [03:54.14]What? l just asked you about the Nipper. 怎么...

  • 《天气预报员》电影台词(40) 日期:2018-01-08 12:26:25 点击:236 好评:0

    [01:29.30]unless youre a nobleman or something in the 19th century... 除非你是19世纪的贵族... [01:32.66]which lm not. 而我不是 [01:39.62]-You can get inside okay, Dad? -Yeah. -爸爸,你自己进去没问题吧? -嗯 [...

  • 《天气预报员》电影台词(39) 日期:2018-01-08 12:25:46 点击:135 好评:0

    [04:50.06]if lm offered the job. 前提是我被录用 [04:52.86]-Dog food? -Yeah. Pet products. -狗粮广告? -对,宠物食品 [04:56.42]Dave doesnt own a pet. 戴维没有养宠物 [04:59.82]Jackson lives with your wife and kids. 杰克...

  • 《天气预报员》电影台词(38) 日期:2018-01-08 12:25:22 点击:148 好评:0

    [04:04.14]well see warm temperatures in New Mexico.... 新墨西哥的气温就会转暖.... [04:07.82]l know its not neurosurgery... 我知道这和神经外科学扯不上关系... [04:09.14]but green screen is the one part o...

  • 《天气预报员》电影台词(37) 日期:2018-01-08 12:25:00 点击:195 好评:0

    [02:38.58]And you dont have a degree in meteorology? 你没有拿过气象学的学位? [02:41.38]General communications. 我学的是通用通信 [02:44.62]Well, listen. Weve seen a lot of your work in Chicago. 好的。你在芝加哥的工...

  • 《天气预报员》电影台词(36) 日期:2018-01-08 12:23:07 点击:127 好评:0

    [00:55.30]...and here comes the grand marshal 1 , Dave Spritzel. ...现在过来的是大明星 戴维 斯埔里泽 [00:59.06]Didnt his name used to be Spritz? 他以前不是叫斯普里兹吗? [01:00.78]Yeah, it sure did... 对,没...

  • 《天气预报员》电影台词(35) 日期:2018-01-08 12:22:26 点击:244 好评:0

    [02:47.14]lt was cold in there. 里面挺冷的 [02:51.60]Dildo. Jacking.... 痿货.... [02:52.50]Yeah, Dad. 好的,爸爸 [03:07.58]Hi. $0.65. 嗨,0.65美元 [03:08.38]Hi. 嗨 [03:11.78]Fuck. 操 [03:15.74]-Hey. -Hi. -嘿 -嗨...

  • 《天气预报员》电影台词(34) 日期:2018-01-08 12:22:02 点击:90 好评:0

    [02:03.86]Camel toe? What are you talking about? 骆驼蹄子?你说什么呢? [02:05.30]l had to find out how kids taunt 4 Shelly about that... 她被人这样侮辱你不闻不问... [02:05.78]and youre letting her get taunted 5...

  • 《天气预报员》电影台词(33) 日期:2018-01-08 12:21:32 点击:135 好评:0

    [01:13.46]Hon, will you get me a pop from the pop machine? 宝贝,你到售货机上给我买杯汽水好吗? [01:16.98]Can you get your pop later? 你呆会儿再买气水行不行? [01:18.54]lm trying to send Shelly away so she doesn...
