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  • 【英语单词趣谈】二十个常见缩略词 日期:2018-01-24 12:29:01 点击:247 好评:0

    Clipped words are created by dropping one or more syllables from a polysyllabic word; a word of several syllables. For example, photo is the clipped word formed from photograph. Clipped words can be back clipped, which is the most common ty...

  • Get on Like a House on Fire 一见如故 日期:2018-01-24 12:28:28 点击:246 好评:0

    1. If people get on like a house on fire, they: a) argue and fight with each other all the time b) have a very good, friendly relationship c) are in danger 2. This expression is: a) positive b) negative Script 文本阅读 Youre listening t...

  • 【英语单词趣谈】二十个关于语法的词汇 日期:2018-01-24 12:27:35 点击:193 好评:0

    以下是二十个关于语法的词汇。有一些比较常用的比如时态、最高级、同义词等等是比较常用的,稍微记一下比较好喔~ 1. Tense 1.时态 2. Pronoun 2.代词 3. Superlative 3.最高级 4. Synonym 4.同义...

  • 【英语单词趣谈】二十个关于GET的短语 日期:2018-01-24 12:26:57 点击:132 好评:0

    一个小小的GET和其他的单词组合起来就能得到许许多多地道的英文表达。里面有多少是你明白并且会用的呢?有时候用这些小短语让你的英文更加原汁原味哦! 1. Get married 1.结婚 2. Ge...

  • 小知识:聊聊那些披着英语皮的日韩用语 日期:2018-01-24 12:26:17 点击:206 好评:0


  • 【英语单词趣谈】快乐应该这么说! 日期:2018-01-24 12:25:28 点击:194 好评:0

    One way to improve your English is to learn synonyms for different words. If you can use these synonyms when using English then your language will be more colourful and varied. 提升英文能的一种方法就是学习同义词。如果你平...

  • Generation知多少:“80后”中英文含义大不同 日期:2018-01-24 12:20:55 点击:267 好评:0

    同学们如果听到一个外国人称自己为80s generation,可不要想当然地以为对方是我们所说的80后哦,事实上对方很可能已经是四十多岁的大叔了。因为英语中的xx generation通常指的是在xx年代...

  • 音乐词汇:乐器英文词汇 日期:2018-01-24 12:20:22 点击:149 好评:0

    吉他:guitar 钢琴:piano 班卓琴:banjo 手风琴:accordion 风笛:bagpipe 排箫:panpipe 口琴:harmonica 管风琴:organ 小提琴:violin 中提琴:viola 大提琴:cello 竖琴:harp 贝斯:bass 萨克斯:sax 单簧管:clarinet 双簧管...

  • Run off Your Feet 忙得不可开交啊 日期:2018-01-24 12:19:23 点击:208 好评:0

    Exercise 1. What does it mean if you are run off your feet? a) you are very sick b) you are very busy c) you are very energetic 2. Which one of these sentences is grammatically incorrect? a) I was run off my feet b) She ran off her feet c)...

  • 电话上的“井号键” 用英语怎么说? 日期:2018-01-24 12:18:40 点击:174 好评:0

    大家知道各种符号在英语中是怎么说的吗?比如: 逗号:comma;句号:period;星号:asterisk;斜杠:slash 除却这些,还有一个我们经常用到,但却不一定都了解英语名称的符号:请输入...
