

天籁英文音乐 - 7、Butterfly Kisses 蝴蝶之吻

时间:2013-03-04 14:12来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
蝴蝶之吻(Butterfly Kisses) Theres two things I know for sure She was sent here from heaven And shes daddys little girl As I drop to my knees by her bed at night She talks to Jesus, and I close my eyes And I thank God for all the joy in
  •   蝴蝶之吻(Butterfly Kisses)
      There's two things I know for sure
      She was sent here from heaven
      And she's daddy's little girl
      As I drop to my knees by her bed at night
      She talks to Jesus, and I close my eyes
      And I thank God for all the joy in my life
      Oh, but most of all, for...
      Butterfly kisses after bedtime prayer
      Stickin' little white flowers all up in her hair
      "Walk beside the pony, daddy, it's my first ride."
      "I know the cake looks funny, daddy, but I sure tried."
      Oh, with all that I've done wrong
      I must have done something right
      To deserve a hug every morning
      And butterfly kisses at night.
      Sweet sixteen today
      She's looking like her momma a little more every day
      One part woman, the other part girl
      To perfume and makeup, from ribbons and curls
      Trying her wings out in a great big world
      But I remember...
      Butterfly kisses after bedtime prayer
      Stickin' little white flowers all up in her hair
      "You know how much I love you, daddy, but if you don't mind,
      I'm only going to kiss you on the cheek this time."
      Oh, with all that I've done wrong
      I must have done something right
      To deserve her love every morning
      And butterfly kisses at night.
      All the precious time
      Like the wind, the years go by
      Precious butterfly
      Spread your wings and fly
      She'll change her name today
      She'll make a promise and I'll give her away
      Standing in the bride room just staring at her
      She asked me what I'm thinking
      And I said, "I'm not sure,
      I just feel like I'm losing my baby girl." 
      Then she leaned over, and gave me...
      Butterfly kisses, with her mama there
      Sticking little flowers all up in her hair
      "Walk me down the aisle, daddy, it's just about time."
      "Does my wedding gown look pretty, daddy?" 
      "Daddy, don't cry."
      Oh, with all that I've done wrong
      I must have done something right
      To deserve her love every morning, and butterfly kisses
      I couldn't ask God for more
      Man, this is what love is
      I know I've gotta let her go
      But I'll always remember
      Every hug in the morning, and butterfly kisses...


    1、heaven[英] [ˈhevn] [美] [ˈhɛvən]
    n.天; 天堂; 上帝; 极乐

    2、butterfly[英] [ˈbʌtəflai] [美] [ˈbʌtɚˌflaɪ]
    n.蝴蝶; 蝶泳; 轻浮的人; 游手好闲的人

    3、deserve[英] [diˈzə:v] [美] [dɪˈzɚv]
    vt.应受; 应得; 值得
    vi.应受报答; 应得报酬; 应得赔偿; 应受惩罚

    4、ribbon[英] [ˈribən] [美] [ˈrɪbən]
    n.带; (打印机的)色带; 绶带; 带状物
    v.把…撕成条带; 用缎带装饰; 形成带状

    5、precious[英] [ˈpreʃəs] [美] [ˈprɛʃəs]
    adj.宝贵的,珍贵的; 贵重的; 矫揉造作的; 可爱的,宝贝的
    n.珍爱的人; 可爱的人

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