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时间:2016-03-06 16:59来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:41.84]But you have to shake on it. 但必须握手才算数 [03:45.84]All right. 好吧 [03:48.64]Ill shake on it. 我会握手 [03:49.84]Heres my hand. 握手吧 [03:54.44]Okay. 好的 [03:58.84]Okay.So, what do I do? 好的 那我要怎
  •   [03:41.84]But you have to shake on it. 但必须握手才算数
      [03:45.84]All right. 好吧
      [03:48.64]I’ll shake on it. 我会握手
      [03:49.84]Here’s my hand. 握手吧
      [03:54.44]Okay. 好的
      [03:58.84]Okay.So, what do I do? 好的 那我要怎么做?
      [04:02.24]You break in. 你闯入
      [04:02.44]You see that skylight up there? 看见上面的天窗没?
      [04:06.64]Well, that window there is the only one that the burglar alarm doesn’t touch. 那天窗是唯一不会触发防盗警铃的入口
      [04:09.64]You get in there. 你从那里进来
      [04:11.44]-That’s pretty high up.-Well, you climb a ladder. -相当高耶 -那是,你得爬梯子
      [04:14.24]-I’m not good at heights.-You can do it. -我有点恐高 -你行的
      [04:16.64]Honestly, I know you can. 说真的 我知道你行的
      [04:19.44]-You’re having me on.-Oh, come on.Behave like a man. -你要害死我呀 -噢 拜托 像个男子汉嘛
      [04:22.44]You don’t have to be a hairdresser for the rest of your life. 你不必一直做个美发师终老余生
      [04:25.04]You can be free, independent, take care of the woman you love. 你可以自由的 独立的 照顾你心爱的女人
      [04:31.44]Listen... 听着...
      [04:33.84]Put this on. 戴上这个
      [04:34.24]I use it to communicate with my gardener. 我都用这跟我的园丁通话
      [04:41.44]Lovely.Actually, it suits you. 可爱 事实上 这真适合你
      [04:46.44]This is what you do.You go outside. 你就这么做 你走到屋外
      [04:48.24]Across the lawn, there’s a shed.Behind the shed, there’s a ladder. 穿越草坪 那里有间储藏室 梯子就在它后面
      [04:52.04]You take the ladder, put it up against the wall of the house... 你拿走梯子 把它靠在屋子的墙壁上...
      [04:55.44]...and I direct you through the earphone. 我会通过耳机指示你怎么做
      [04:58.24]-Are you with me?-Well, yes, yes. -你明白我的话吗? -当然 是的 是的

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      足迹      

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