


时间:2015-07-07 12:42来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:01.96]The Julie/Julia Project. Julie/Julia工程 [03:02.08]The Book, Mastering the Art of French Cooking. 烹饪书《掌握法式料理的艺术》 [03:05.24]First edition, 1961 by Simone Beck, Louisette Bertholle, 第一版,于1961年
  •   [03:01.96]"The Julie/Julia Project." Julie/Julia工程
      [03:02.08]The Book, Mastering the Art of French Cooking. 烹饪书《掌握法式料理的艺术》
      [03:05.24]First edition, 1961 by Simone Beck, Louisette Bertholle, 第一版,于1961年由 Simon Beck Louisette Bertholle
      [03:11.80]and, of course, Julia Child, the woman who taught America to cook and to eat. 当然还有Julia Child编写出版 她教会了美国人烹饪和品尝食物
      [03:16.28]It’s 40 years later and no one can touch her. 四十年已经过去了,至今仍没有一个人能和她比肩
      [03:20.88]The Challenge, 365 days, 524 recipes. 挑战是:365天内照食谱做出524种菜肴
      [03:27.20]The Contender, Julie Powell. 挑战者: Julie Powell
      [03:28.04]Government employee by day, renegade foodie by night. 白天是公务员,晚上是叛逆的美食家
      [03:33.12]Risking her marriage, her job, and her cat’s well-being6, 她置自己的婚姻,工作,还有猫的幸福于不顾
      [03:35.16]she has signed on for a deranged7 assignment. 在一项让人精神错乱的任务书上签了字
      [03:38.56]How far it will go, no one can say. 这到底能坚持多久呢,没人知道
      [04:08.00]Dear Charlie, we’re settled in finally, and Julia loves it here. 亲爱的Charlie,我们终于在这儿安定下来了 Julie爱极了这儿
      [04:10.64]She wants to stay forever. 她想永远呆在这儿
      [04:15.16]You know how famously grouchy8 the French can be, dear brother. 亲爱的哥哥,你知道法国人的傲慢有多处名

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