


时间:2015-07-24 12:49来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:28.08]How will I ever do this? 我该怎么做呢? [04:28.68]Last night our sleep machine, the one we have by our bed 昨晚,我们放在床头的睡眠机 [04:33.64]to drown out the noise of freight trucks rumbling9 past our apartm
  •   [04:28.08]How will I ever do this? 我该怎么做呢?
      [04:28.68]Last night our sleep machine, the one we have by our bed 昨晚,我们放在床头的睡眠机
      [04:33.64]to drown out the noise of freight trucks rumbling9 past our apartment, 用来掩盖路过楼下的货车经过的声音 那闹哄哄的机器
      [04:34.10]was speaking to me. And it was saying, 它对我说话了,它说
      [04:37.20]"Lobster killer10. 龙虾杀手
      [04:40.80]"Lobster killer, lobster killer, lobster killer." 龙虾杀手 龙虾杀手 龙虾杀手
      [04:45.96]One of my readers said that if you put lobsters11 in the freezer, 一个读者说,如果你把龙虾放进冰箱
      [04:48.72]it sort of numbs12 them. 可以让他们麻痹
      [04:58.32]Then I got another comment that said, "Man up, kill the damn lobster. 然后另外一条留言说 爷们点,杀了那龙虾
      [04:59.40]"Just take a knife and do it." 不过是手起刀落而已
      [00:08.84]It’s alive! 它还活着
      [00:09.24]Eric. Eric
      [00:17.40]Oh, God. 天啊
      [00:20.44]"A note on dealing1 with live lobsters3. “处理活龙虾的注释”
      [00:21.44]"If you object to steaming a live lobster2," yes, 如果你不想直接蒸了龙虾
      [00:24.80]"plunge the point of the knife into the head between the eyes." 就把刀子插进它两只眼睛中间
      [00:30.88]Oh, Julia, you make it sound so simple. Julia,说的到轻巧
      [00:34.28]Lobster killer4. 龙虾杀手
      [00:36.04]Eric. Eric
      [00:37.04]Eric. Eric
      [00:39.52]Get out of here. 滚一边去
      [00:41.92]I don’t need you at all. You are completely useless. 我才不需要你 你这个没用的家伙
      [00:45.48]I’m just gonna throw them into the water 我只需要把它们扔进水里
      [00:50.96]and put the lid on and that will be that. 盖上盖子就好了
      [00:52.44]Fine. 好吧
      [00:53.96]Fine. 好吧
      [00:57.92]Hello. 你好
      [01:00.20]Goodbye. 再见

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