


时间:2017-06-14 12:17来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:59.48]Yes, thats right, Alexander was English This man is American 对 没错 Alexander是英国人 他是美国人 [02:05.62]...When shes gone [02:05.66]Ive actually gotten so used to the American accent 我已经很习惯用美国腔了
  • [01:59.48]Yes, that's right, Alexander was English This man is American 对 没错 Alexander是英国人 他是美国人
    [02:05.62]...When she's gone
    [02:05.66]I've actually gotten so used to the American accent 我已经很习惯用美国腔了
    [02:08.08]that I find it a tad difficult to go back 要改回去还真有点小难
    [02:10.95]That's pathetic, this man is not Alexander Pierce 杯具了 他不是Alexander Pierce
    [02:15.38]He's a tourist! 他就是一游客!
    [02:18.63]A tourist? 游客?
    [02:19.92]Someone I happened to sit next to on the train 火车上碰巧坐我边上的一个人
    [02:23.88]How would a tourist 一个游客
    [02:25.80]know that you killed every man your wife ever slept with? 怎么会知道 你杀了所有和你老婆上过床的男人?
    [02:28.56]I told him that 我告诉他的
    [02:30.10]You told a tourist? 告诉一个游客?
    [02:33.19]Why would she do that? It's absurd. 她干嘛那样呢?说不通啊
    [02:37.40]Well, there's a simple way of finding out 有个很简单的办法
    [02:44.86]Open the safe - I've made you a deal - 打开它 - 我说了
    [02:50.54]What are you doing? 你在干什么?
    [02:51.33]...and I know she's safe 并确认她安全了
    [02:53.12]...Then 然后...
    [02:55.04]Well... I'll make you an even better deal 嗯...我有一个更好主意
    [02:58.09]Open the safe now... 现在开箱
    [03:00.30]And I won't make you watch something that you would never forget. 我就不会让你看你永远不想看的画面

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      致命伴旅      

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