


时间:2017-06-08 12:09来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:23.63]Go all in. 全跟 [03:28.72]Damn. 泥马的 [03:34.97]Yes? 喂? [03:36.85]I have a piece of information for Mr. Shaw 我有给Shaw先生的消息 [03:41.40]Its concerning Alexander Pierce 关于Alexander Pierce的 [03:47.03]Alexand
  • [03:23.63]Go all in. 全跟
    [03:28.72]Damn. 泥马的
    [03:34.97]Yes? 喂?
    [03:36.85]I have a piece of information for Mr. Shaw 我有给Shaw先生的消息
    [03:41.40]It's concerning Alexander Pierce 关于Alexander Pierce的
    [03:47.03]Alexander Pierce has just arrived in Venice Alexander Pierce刚抵达威尼斯
    [03:50.24]With her. 和她在一起
    [03:58.95]Aleri. - Sir - Aleri - 在
    [04:00.83]Change of course, Venice - Yes, sir - 改行程 去威尼斯 - 遵命
    [04:06.04]Now what do I own in Venice? 我在威尼斯都有些什么?
    [04:34.78]Hi Frank
    [04:36.66]Do you want to come with me? - What? - 一起吗? - 什么?
    [04:42.91]Oh yeah, sure, I mean, I-I could use a lift, yeah. 噢 当然 我是说 可以搭个便车
    [04:46.42]Thank you very - that's very kind. 谢谢 你太好了
    [00:25.92]Welcome to Venice, Madam 女士 欢迎来到威尼斯
    [00:29.21]Bags. 包
    [00:32.88]Thank you 谢谢
    [00:36.84]Oh, uh, my bags! 噢 我的包
    [00:40.26]Are you coming? 来吗?
    [00:48.02]Thank you (speaking spanish) 谢谢
    [00:55.36]Hello, Welcome to Hotel Danieri, Madam
    [00:57.74]Elise Clifton-Ward1, and husband Elise Clifton Ward和丈夫
    [01:03.04]We have arranged for you a wonderful suite2... 我们为您安排好了最棒的套房...
    [01:08.21]with bathroom and with... 有浴室和...
    [01:12.38]May I have your documents, please? - Yes - 能给我您的证件吗? - 给
    [01:15.30]Thank you 多谢
    [01:18.09]It will be my pleasure to show you up personally. Please, this way. 我来带您上去 请这边走
    [01:22.26]Thank you 谢谢
    [01:24.35]Enjoy your stay, sir - Thank you - 先生 祝您愉快 - 谢谢
    [01:40.03]Everything was arranged according to the precise instructions. 一切都谨遵指示安排
    [01:43.49]I very much hope you will not be disappointed. 但愿您能满意
    [01:46.04]We are entering the Doches Suite 这间是Doches套房
    [01:49.00]A room that has been a home away from home for Marcel Proust and Honor?de Balzac 普鲁斯特和巴尔扎克的第二个家

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