


时间:2017-06-08 12:06来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:18.93]Alexander Pierce has 744 million in illegal assets Alexander Pierce在此 拥有7.44亿非法资产 [03:24.56]That given he is a British Subject, we might seize. 正因他是个英国人 我们才有理由抓捕 [03:27.86]This oper
  • [03:18.93]Alexander Pierce has 744 million in illegal assets Alexander Pierce在此 拥有7.44亿非法资产
    [03:24.56]That given he is a British Subject, we might seize. 正因他是个英国人 我们才有理由抓捕
    [03:27.86]This operation so far has cost me eight million pounds. 这个案子目前花了我八百万磅
    [03:33.03]If I thought there were more than a one in a hundred chance you could be successful... 如果我觉得 你有百分之一的希望能破案...
    [03:37.49]It would be rational for me to continue this operation... 我就会继续拨款给这案子...
    [03:42.91]I do not. 可我不这么认为
    [03:48.96]... that's an amendment3... yes... ... 这个修正案... 好...
    [03:59.72]Thank you, sir 谢谢您
    [00:04.95]8:22 8:22
    [00:08.29]Sir, the projection1 for the faces you asked for - Not now - 长官 您要的画像 - 等会儿
    [00:14.05]"8:22 Lyon" "8:22 里昂"
    [00:18.09]Are they meeting in Lyon at eight twenty-two? 八点二十二他们要在里昂见面?
    [00:21.47]Gare de Lyon, perhaps? - Gare de Lyon... - 可能是里昂车站? - 里昂车站...
    [00:30.69]That's it, Gare De Lyon! The train station, she's getting on a 8:22 train. 对 里昂火车站! 她要上8:22的火车
    [00:34.94]Go! 快去!
    [00:42.99]"Board the 8:22 at the Gare De Lyon" "乘里昂车站8:22分的火车"
    [01:01.59]"Pick someone my height and build, and make them believe it is me" "找个身高体型像我的人 让他们以为是我"
    [02:15.96]I'm sorry - What for? - 抱歉 - 为什么?
    [02:32.93]Do you mind me smoking? It's not a real cigarette. 介意我抽烟吗? 不是真烟
    [02:36.19]What? - It's electronic - 什么? - 电子烟
    [02:38.27]It delivers the same amount of nicotine2, but the smoke is water vapor3. Yeah, watch! (puffs) 它也含尼古丁 不过烟是水蒸气 瞧!
    [02:44.99]LED light LED灯
    [02:48.37]That's somewhat disappointing. 反而有点让人失望
    [02:52.50]Would you rather have me smoking for real? 你更想让我真的抽烟吗?
    [02:54.25]No, I would rather you be a man who did exactly as he pleased. 不 我更希望你是个随心所欲的男人
    [03:00.17]I'm Elise - I'm Frank - 我叫Elise - 我叫Frank(诚实之意)
    [03:02.80]That's a terrible name - (laughs) Yeah, that's the only one I've got. - 是个糟糕的名字 - 对 不过我就这么一个名字

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