


时间:2020-03-13 11:35来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:27.36]I hope you can hear me. 我希望你能听见我 [04:07.24]Hi Dad. - Hi. - 嗨 老爸 - 嗨 [04:10.36]I got to talk to you. 我要和你谈谈 [04:14.16]I have to move in with you and Oscar for a while. 我要搬来和你还有Osca
  • [03:27.36]I hope you can hear me. 我希望你能听见我
    [04:07.24]Hi Dad. - Hi. - 嗨 老爸 - 嗨
    [04:10.36]I got to talk to you. 我要和你谈谈
    [04:14.16]I have to move in with you and Oscar for a while. 我要搬来和你还有Oscar住段时间
    [04:15.40]Why? - Just temporarily, just until I got my own place. - 为什么? - 只是暂时的 等我找到地方就成
    [04:21.00]You lost the house? 你把房子赔了?
    [04:22.40]Dad, how could you lose the house? 老爸 你怎么能把房子也赔了?
    [04:25.00]I have a very good business opportunity and I took it. 我有个很好的投资机会 这回我不会错过了
    [04:25.80]I didn't lose the house. I sold the house. 我没把房子赔了 我把它卖了
    [04:28.20]I hope its not shrimp4. - No, nothing fly by night. - 希望不是虾 - 不 没那么不靠谱
    [04:31.00]I have a partner, a really good partner, Who knows the ropes? 我有个很好的搭档 熟门熟路
    [04:34.80]And I'm going to be working under them. 我准备替他们打下手
    [04:44.16]Dad? 老爸?
    [04:55.36]Since 1963? - Yes, it shows that we got some stability5, people like that. - 始于1963年? - 说明我们很稳定啊 人家喜欢这样的
    [04:57.00]That is a lie. 这可是说谎
    [04:58.32]Its a business lie. And that is different from a life lie. 商业谎言嘛 和生活里的谎言是两码事

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      英文电视剧台词      经典英文电影      阳光清洗      

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