


时间:2020-03-05 19:26来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:49.80]What is a bastard 6 ? Jeremy told me that I was a bastard. 什么是杂种? Jeremy说我是杂种 [03:52.84]So, what is a bastard? 杂种什么意思? (同义: 私生子) [03:54.52]It just mean your mom wasnt married when she got
  • [03:49.80]What is a bastard6? Jeremy told me that I was a bastard. 什么是杂种? Jeremy说我是杂种
    [03:52.84]So, what is a bastard? 杂种什么意思? (同义: 私生子)
    [03:54.52]It just mean your mom wasn't married when she got you. 就是说你妈怀上你的时候还没结婚
    [03:58.60]That is no big deal. 没什么大不了
    [04:00.28]You know in a couple of years you'll find, That it is a free pass cool. 再过几年你就会发现  这是一种摆酷的方式
    [04:04.60]Right? You probably will start a band. 你可能会组一个乐队
    [04:08.16]Called Bastard Son. 叫狗杂种
    [04:10.52]You can used it to impress the chicks. 你可以用它来泡妞
    [04:12.96]The whole bastard thing is going to work out for you. 到时候 还巴不得自己是个杂种呢
    [04:15.44]You are the coolest bastard, I know. - Really? - 我知道你是最酷的杂种 - 真的吗?
    [04:21.20]Hello, Sunshine Cleaning. 你好 阳光清洁公司
    [04:23.72]Of course... 2327 Grove7 Avenue. 当然... Grove大街2327号
    [04:29.48]You got it. No Thank you, all right, good bye. 清楚了 不 谢谢你 好 再见
    [04:35.44]What was that? 什么事?
    [04:36.44]A suicide. 自杀
    [04:42.60]That is a good thing. 是件好事

    [04:53.76]Oh man, okay... 天哪 好吧...
    [04:55.96]Stay in the van. 留在车里
    [04:58.48]If you get thirsty, there are some soda8 in the blue cooler, okay sweetie? 如果你渴了 蓝色的冰盒里有汽水  知道吗 宝贝?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      英文电视剧台词      经典英文电影      阳光清洗      

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