


时间:2020-03-02 17:04来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:32.94]Which mean screwing me up would give you the hugest woody. 我这么惨就能衬托你的伟大了 [03:38.62]Take the money. Please. 把钱拿去 拜托 [03:47.18]There was just a diner scene earlier , With a waitress. 刚才片子里
  • [03:32.94]Which mean screwing me up would give you the hugest woody. 我这么惨就能衬托你的伟大了
    [03:38.62]Take the money. Please. 把钱拿去 拜托
    [03:47.18]There was just a diner scene earlier , With a waitress. 刚才片子里有个餐馆的场景 有一个女服务员
    [03:52.66]Any pie? - Completely pie free. - 吃馅饼了吗? (指女方露点) - 馅饼的影子都没瞅着

      [04:09.66]Excuse me, we are all finished. 打扰了 我们都打扫完了
    [04:12.94]Because this is our first visit, We did the appliances 因为是第一次上门 所以把百叶窗和家电都清理了
    [04:17.46]That we are going to alternate them weekly in the future. 以后会每周轮流清理一项
    [04:21.42]Rose... - Rose Lorkowski. Rose... Rose Lorkowski
    [04:26.34]I'm Paula Datzman of the cheer-leading squad3 Of the junior year. 我是高二时候 啦啦队小组的Paula Datzman啊
    [04:33.14]Paula Datzman, hi. Paula Datzman 嗨
    [04:34.54]How are you? - Great. - 你好吗? - 好极了
    [04:37.62]I am Paula Datzman-Mead now. - Congratulations. - 我现在是Paula Datzman-Mead咯 - 恭喜你啊
    [04:42.66]We are expecting our second In a couple of months. 我们过几个月就要有第二个孩子啦
    [04:46.50]I was always so envious4 of you. 我一直都很嫉妒你哦
    [04:52.26]Head cheerleader. Dating the quarterback. 又是啦啦队队长 又和四分卫帅哥约会
    [04:55.38]Did you and Mac ended up married? 你和Mac结婚了吗?
    [05:00.46]No, you know, I heard That he married to Heather Voldman? 没有 我听说他和 Heather Voldman结婚了?

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