


时间:2020-03-02 17:02来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:32.10]Make no portion of this time, okay? - Okay, thank you so much, youre welcome. - 这次别乱说了 行吧? - 好的 太感谢了 不客气啊 [00:35.70]He hear these terrible sound. This how it goes... 他听到了可怕的声音 就
  • [00:32.10]Make no portion of this time, okay? - Okay, thank you so much, you're welcome. - 这次别乱说了 行吧? - 好的 太感谢了 不客气啊
    [00:35.70]He hear these terrible sound. This how it goes... 他听到了可怕的声音 就像这样的...
    [00:48.10]And that thing he knows, That the lobster-man is out there somewhere. 他知道了 捕虾渔夫就在某个地方
    [00:49.90]And he is totally screwed. Because his tongue is stuck to the mailbox. 他玩完了 因为他的舌头粘在了邮筒上
    [00:56.66]Because he has OCD And his obsessed1 licking on mail boxes. 因为他有强迫症 迷上了舔邮筒
    [00:56.78]Why did he lick the mailbox? 他为什么要舔邮筒?
    [01:03.78]Why was he not in school? 他为什么不上学呢?
    [01:06.26]Are you going to let me tell the story, Or are you going to drive me crazy. 你是要我讲故事 还是要把我弄疯
    [01:07.66]Maybe he did not go to school, Because he had the OCD. 也许他不去学校就是因为他有强迫症
    [01:15.78]Sorry. 抱歉
    [01:21.10]You should hear the way he goes on about his. 你真该去听听 他一直在啰嗦自己的事儿
    [01:24.58]Body mass, weight index Bullshit, God. 什么体质量啊 体重指数啊 全他妈扯淡 天啊
    [01:29.26]When was the last time you even played basketball Mac? 你上次打篮球是什么时候 Mac?
    [01:32.46]He had to be brought down. 该好好打击打击他
    [01:35.30]I am sure, You are pulling your groin muscle and really impressed him. 我敢说 你要是动动你的 腹股沟肌肉 他一定被噎得没话说
    [01:39.94]Should and i introduce him to your sister? - Yeah, Norah and a cop, that's a good idea. - 要不要把他介绍给你妹妹? - 对哦 Norah和警察凑一对儿 好主意
    [01:47.46]I was working a scene today, 今天我去了一个案发现场
    [01:50.02]Where a guy blow himself in a sporting goods store. 一个家伙在运动器材店自杀了
    [01:54.74]So they brought this cleaning crew come in. 所以他们就让清洁人员进去打扫
    [01:58.42]You would not believe How much the charge for that shit. 你肯定不会相信 这他妈的要付多少钱

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      英文电视剧台词      经典英文电影      阳光清洗      

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