


时间:2020-06-16 14:45来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:19.88]Our only hope is the Dragon Warrior. 我们唯一的希望就是神龙大侠 [02:21.96]- The panda? - Yes,the panda! - 那熊猫? - 对 那熊猫 [02:22.76]Master,let us stop Tai Lung. This is what youve trained us for. 求你了师
  • [02:19.88]Our only hope is the Dragon Warrior. 我们唯一的希望就是神龙大侠
    [02:21.96]- The panda?  - Yes,the panda! - 那熊猫? - 对  那熊猫
    [02:22.76]Master,let us stop Tai Lung.  This is what you've trained us for. 求你了师父  让我们阻止大龙  你训练我们就为这个
    [02:25.44]No! lt is not your destiny  to defeat Tai Lung. 不  打败大龙绝对不是你们的使命
    [02:31.00]lt is his! 而是他的
    [02:31.68]Where'd he go? 他哪儿去了?
    [02:41.56]You cannot leave!  A real warrior never quits. 你不能逃跑  真正的大侠决不放弃
    [02:43.04]Watch me. 那你看着
    [02:47.72]Oome on. 现实点
    [02:49.40]How am l supposed to beat Tai Lung?  l can't even beat you to the stairs. 我怎么能打败大龙?  我连逃跑都办不到
    [02:53.00]You will beat him  because you are the Dragon Warrior. 你能打败他  因为你是神龙大侠
    [02:56.24]You don't believe that.  You never believed that. 你根本不相信  你从来就不相信
    [03:00.56]From the beginning,you've tried to get rid of me. 我一来到这儿 你就一直想赶我走
    [03:03.84]Yes! l was. 是的  当初是

    [03:04.48]But now l ask you to trust in your  master as l have come to trust in mine. 可现在我要你相信你的师父  就像我相信我的乌龟大师
    [03:11.28]You're not my master.  And l'm not the Dragon Warrior. 你不是我师父  我也不是什么神龙大侠
    [03:14.52]Then why didn't you quit?! You knew  l wanted you gone,yet you stayed. 那你当初怎么不放弃  你明知道我想赶你走 可你留下了
    [03:20.24]Yeah,l stayed. 对  我留下了

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      英文电视剧台词      经典英文电影      功夫熊猫      

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