


时间:2020-06-16 14:44来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:05.00]- That was scary. - Yeah,so Im like... Fine,you may be a wolf, - 我是说 是呀 老狼 算你狠 [00:09.68]you may be the scariest bandit in Haijin Province... 算你是人见人怕的大恶霸 [00:13.76]...but youre a lousy tipp
  • [00:05.00]- That was scary.  - Yeah,so I'm like... "Fine,you may be a wolf, - 我是说  是呀 老狼 算你狠
    [00:09.68]you may be the scariest bandit  in Haijin Province... 算你是人见人怕的大恶霸
    [00:13.76]...but you're a lousy tipper.'' 可你给小费太小器啦
    [00:15.40]Really? So how did you  get out of there alive? 真的吗? 那么你是怎么活着脱身的?
    [00:18.60]l mean,l didn't actually say that... 其实我没真正说出来
    [00:20.12]...but l thought it... 我就那么想的
    [00:23.28]...in my mind. 只是心里想想
    [00:24.60]lf he could read my mind,he'd be,like,''What?'' 要是他能看到我的心思  他会说 怕你啦
    [00:27.16]Order up! Hope you like it. 请慢用  爱吃就好
    [00:31.44]- This is really good!  - No,come on. 味道真是好极了  这算什么
    [00:35.68]Try my dad's Secret lngredient Soup.  He actually knows the secret ingredient1. 你们该尝尝我老爸的秘方仙汤  那是祖传秘方
    [00:38.16]What do you mean? This is amazing! 你就别谦虚了  这可是极品
    [00:42.04]- You're a really good cook.  - l wish my mouth was bigger. 你的厨艺一流  只可惜我的嘴太小
    [00:45.04]Tigress,you've got to try this. 娇虎  你一定得尝尝
    [00:46.92]lt is said that the Dragon Warrior2  can survive for months 据说神龙大侠连着几个月不吃东西
    [00:49.72]on nothing but the dew3 of ginkgo leaf  and the energy of the universe. 依然能生存  仅靠银杏叶的露珠和天地环宇之气
    [00:56.40]l guess my body doesn't know  it's the Dragon Warrior yet. 我的身体还不知道自己是神龙大侠
    [01:00.28]l'm gonna need a lot more  than dew and universe juice. 我可不能光靠露珠和那个环宇之气

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