


时间:2017-11-13 12:15来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:30.68]...worries about you. 经常替你担心 [02:31.72]Sometimes worrying about you feels like a full-time 1 job. 有时候我觉得担心你 好像变成我的生活习惯 [02:37.32]Well, doll, Im doing great. 我好得很 [02:38.
  • [02:30.68]...worries about you. 经常替你担心
    [02:31.72]Sometimes worrying about you feels like a full-time1 job. 有时候我觉得担心你 好像变成我的生活习惯
    [02:37.32]Well, doll, I'm doing great. 我好得很
    [02:38.08]So you don't have to work that shift anymore. 你不必把我当成负担 再也不必了
    [02:41.36]Erica? They want you to look at the costumes for the dancing Henrys. 爱莉卡? 他们要你看看亨利舞群的服装
    [02:47.88]Are these gonna work for you? 这样可以吗?
    [03:01.04]-Mr. Sanborn, back so soon? -This is it, I'm dying. -赛伯恩先生,这么快又来了? -完蛋了,我快死了
    [03:06.04]I've had 20 minutes of severe chest pains, nausea2, shortness of breath... 我胸口剧痛了二十分钟 反胃、呼吸困难
    [03:11.12]...my blood pressure's gotta be 1 70/1 00. 血压一定高达170/100
    [03:12.28]Give me the nitro, I didn't take Viagra. 给我打点滴,我没吃威而刚
    [03:16.96]Plug me into an EKG. I'm taking two beta-blockers... 替我接上心电图 我吃两颗乙型阻滞剂
    [03:19.64]If I were you, I'd pound on my chest. 你应该压我的胸口才对
    [03:19.84]...blood thinners, Lipitor, Procardia. 薄血药、立普妥、钙阻断剂
    [03:21.92]Mr. Sanborn. Your diagnosis3, although fascinating, was entirely4 incorrect. 赛伯恩先生,你的自我诊断很详尽 可惜错得离谱
    [03:28.80]-lmpossible! -Do you realize... -不可能 -你明白…
    [03:29.72]...that a severe anxiety attack can masquerade as a heart attack? 严重焦虑 会被误认为心脏病发作吗?
    [03:34.80]So I'm nuts. 原来是我疯了
    [03:36.08]Perfect. The one thing I'm not taking pills for. 这下可好了 我没服治这个毛病的药
    [03:41.04]If you don't wanna be here every week... 若你不想每个礼拜都来报到
    [03:43.84]...I suggest you do whatever it takes to decompress. Now lie down. 我建议你想办法舒解压力 躺下吧
    [03:46.88]Just try something with me. Come on. 照着我的话做,快点
    [03:53.04]Give me your hand. 把手给我
    [03:54.24]Relax, relax. 放轻松,放轻松
    [03:56.24]All right, close your eyes. 闭上眼睛

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      爱是妥协      

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