


时间:2018-05-08 12:15来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:23.80]Aah! [01:25.28]What am I gonna do? Theyre gonna kill me! 我该怎么办 他们会杀了我的 [01:30.88]You spineless bastard 2 , act like a man. 没骨气的杂种,你要像个男人一样 [01:34.36]Whyd you do that? I was gonn
  • [01:23.80]Aah!
    [01:25.28]What am I gonna do? They're gonna kill me! 我该怎么办 他们会杀了我的
    [01:30.88]You spineless bastard2, act like a man. 没骨气的杂种,你要像个男人一样
    [01:34.36]Why'd you do that? I was gonna do something. 你干嘛抽我? 我正准备做点什么呢
    [01:35.76]I just don't know what. Aah! 我只是不清楚该做什么
    [01:39.36]You can't sit here on the sidelines. It's time to take action. 你不能坐在角落里等着 你需要拿出行动来
    [01:41.64]I'm considering getting another hero. 我想再找一个英雄来
    [01:45.40]Aah! 你在这干嘛呢? 你又不是个灵魂
    [01:46.80](Malone) Hey! What are you doin' here? You're not a spirit.
    [01:49.88]I know. I just enjoy slapping you. 我知道,我只是喜欢抽你罢了
    [01:51.68]- Aah! - Listen to yourself! - 啊! - 听着!
    [01:54.96]The time has come to forget about the consequences and show courage! 到了拿出勇气以及忘掉后果的时候了
    [01:58.04]You know what courage is? 你知道勇气是什么吧?
    [01:58.48]You mean, like the lion in The Wizard Of Oz? 像绿野仙踪里的狮子?
    [02:02.56]I had a more heroic reference in mind, 我本来有个更加英雄的例子
    [02:04.56]but if The Wizard Of Oz works for you, well, OK. 但如果绿野仙踪管用的话也行
    [02:05.96]You know, is it possible for me to get a little privacy in here? 我在这里能不能有点隐私?
    [02:10.24]We are facing the greatest evil since Nazism3. 我们面对的是纳粹以来最强大的邪恶力量
    [02:12.32](Patton) What are you talking about? 你到底在说什么啊?
    [02:15.28]To assure there will be no more war, I've taken the liberty 为了保证以后没有战争

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      美国颂歌      

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