


时间:2019-05-07 16:15来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:40.00]Hes not even Spanish. Poser. 他甚至不是西班牙人,装腔作势的人 [01:43.52]Were going. 我们要去 [01:46.00]Have a good time. 祝你们玩得愉快 [01:48.60]Were all going. You will wear a pretty dress. 我们全部都
  • [01:40.00]He's not even Spanish. Poser. 他甚至不是西班牙人,装腔作势的人
    [01:43.52]We're going. 我们要去
    [01:46.00]Have a good time. 祝你们玩得愉快
    [01:48.60]We're all going. You will wear a pretty dress. 我们全部都要去 你会穿一件漂亮的服装
    [01:50.32]Plus lipstick2. And I'm gonna wax those eyebrows3 right now. 加上口红,而且我要 马上帮?的眉毛脱腊
    [01:52.08]Bill, get more glue sticks. 比尔,再多拿点胶条来
    [01:55.80]Her legs are so hairy it looks like she's wearing pants. 她的腿毛真多 看来好像穿了长裤一样
    [01:58.36]Come here, Steve Carell's chest. 过来,史提夫卡尔的胸部
    [02:01.32]No. 不要
    [02:26.20]Bartender, a drink for the lady. 调酒师,给这位女士一杯饮料
    [02:29.96]What's your plan? 你有甚么计划?
    [02:30.68]Okay, around ten o'clock, I... 好,在十点左右,我…
    [02:35.76]The stroke of midnight. 当正午夜时
    [02:36.88]Okay, at the stroke of midnight... 好,当正午夜时…
    [02:41.28]I'm gonna present her with these roses on this comb. 我会把这把梳子上的玫瑰给她
    [02:44.12]Dude, did you make that yourself? 老兄,你自己做的吗?
    [02:45.64]Lose the comb. Just give her roses. 把梳子拿掉,只给她玫瑰就好
    [02:49.72]At the stroke of midnight, I'm going to present her with some roses, no comb... 当正午夜时,我会把 这玫瑰给她,没有梳子…
    [02:49.96]Okay. 好的
    [02:55.80]and ask for the other date... 并且恳求她再一次约会…
    [02:57.32]which, depending on your  interpretation4 of five dates... 这取决于你们对五次约会的诠释…
    [03:00.20]No, no, no! Cut that last part. 不,不,不!把最后那部分拿掉
    [03:00.44]'cause I do think that  I counted correctly... 因为我认为我计算的没错…

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      英文电视剧台词      经典英文电影      我恨情人节      

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