


时间:2018-12-18 14:38来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:06.20]- New guy! - Let me get you those roses. - 新对象! - 我去帮你拿玫瑰 [04:13.64]What happened to the other guy? 上次那个家伙怎么了? [04:16.12]- Five dates. - So its over. - 约会过五次了 - 所以结束了
  • [04:06.20]- New guy! - Let me get you those roses. - 新对象! - 我去帮你拿玫瑰
    [04:13.64]What happened to the other guy? 上次那个家伙怎么了?
    [04:16.12]- Five dates. - So it's over. - 约会过五次了 - 所以结束了
    [04:17.32]- Ends it before the guy can. - Got the safety set on her heart. - 必须在男生赢得她芳心前 - 把它结束掉
    [04:21.92]- That's a country song. - From her album, "Fear of Commitment6". - 有一首乡村歌曲 - 她专辑里的"害怕承诺"
    [04:23.96]Hi. Guess what? I can hear you. 嘿,猜猜怎么着?我能听到你们
    [04:26.12]It is not wrong that I want  every day to be Valentine's Day. 我这样每天都是情人节,有什么错?
    [04:30.28]- No! - Here you go. - 不! - 拿去吧
    [04:32.56]All right, you guys. 好了,各位
    [04:32.60]- For Annie. - Thank you, thank you, thank you. - 给安妮的 - 谢谢,谢谢,谢谢
    [04:35.84]Dress up again for us tomorrow. 明天再为我们盛装
    [04:37.20]- Yeah, maybe I'll wear deodorant7. - Why start now? - 好,也许我会喷除臭剂 - 何不现在就开始?
    [04:40.52]Have a nice day. 祝你有个愉快的一天
    [04:41.24]Okay, we've got to reorganize this fridge. Just move that over there... 好了,我们必须整理冰柜 把那些往那里移动…
    [04:46.80]move this over here. It's gonna  be crazy in here tomorrow. 把这些往这里移动 明天这里会疯掉的
    [00:03.72]Uh-uh, I call shotgun. Hi. 噢噢,我来招呼,嗨
    [00:09.92]I'm Genevieve. May I help you? 我叫珍娜,我可以帮你吗?
    [00:13.64]Hi. 嗨
    [00:14.80]I saw you at the old pizza place. 我看见你在旧披萨店里
    [00:16.92]What? You're not thinking of buying it, are you? 什么?你该不会想买下它吧,有吗?
    [00:18.40]and everybody goes bankrupt. 每一家都倒店了
    [00:18.92]It's been a ribs1 place and a chicken wings place... 那里曾经卖过排骨,卖过鸡翅…

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      英文电视剧台词      经典英文电影      我恨情人节      

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