


时间:2015-12-24 21:51来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:37.47]有人说佛祖和耶稣 Its been said that buddha and jesus [03:39.59]会大笑或哭泣 如果他们知道 Would laugh or cry if theyd known [03:41.66]那些以他们的名义做的事 What was done in their name. [03:43.10]如果
  •   [03:37.47]有人说佛祖和耶稣 It’s been said that buddha and jesus
      [03:39.59]会大笑或哭泣 如果他们知道 Would laugh or cry if they’d known
      [03:41.66]那些以他们的名义做的事 What was done in their name.
      [03:43.10]如果世上真有造物主 Harry: and if there is a creator,
      [03:44.93]他估计也会那么觉得 He’d probably feel the same way.
      [03:47.81]我看到庆典 仪式 队列 I see ceremony, ritual, processions,
      [03:50.42]屈膝 呻吟 吟诵 Genuflecting23, moaning, intoning,
      [03:53.13]神圣的饼干和葡萄酒 Venerating24 cookies and wine,
      [03:55.80]我在想  And I think...
      [03:57.56]这不是我想要的 It’s not what I had in mind.
      [03:58.96]但那是梵蒂冈的瞎话 But that’s vatican flapdoodle.
      [04:00.30]这些和上帝无关 It doesn’t have a thing to do with god.
      [04:02.80]正如你所说 John 各地都有宗教  As you said, john, everywhere, religions...
      [04:05.98]从讴歌生命到禁止谈笑 From exalting25 life to purging26 joy as a sin.
      [04:09.13]罗马帝国发挥到了极致 Rome does it as grand opera.
      [04:13.03]一条简单的通往良善的途径 A simple path to goodness needs
      [04:14.86]超自然的路标 A supernatural roadmap.
      [04:16.83]超自然的  Supernatural...
      [04:18.96]可笑的词语 我是说  A stupid word, I mean...
      [04:21.63]任何事物的形成都符合自然规律 Anything that happens, happens within nature,
      [04:23.56]不论我们相信与否 Whether we believe in it or not.
      [04:25.70]比如一个1’4000岁的穴居人 Like a 14,000- Year-Old caveman.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      这个男人来自地球      

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