


时间:2015-12-20 21:42来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:12.06]是的 Yes. [02:13.30]《圣经》里有? In the bible? [02:14.86]是的 Yes. [02:15.83]我们认识的? Someone we know? [02:16.90]《圣经》里我们谁不认识? How could we not know someone in the bible? [02:18.96]我是说有
  •   [02:12.06]是的 Yes.
      [02:13.30]《圣经》里有? In the bible?
      [02:14.86]是的 Yes.
      [02:15.83]我们认识的? Someone we know?
      [02:16.90]《圣经》里我们谁不认识? How could we not know someone in the bible?
      [02:18.96]我是说有重要地位的 I mean somebody important.
      [02:20.43]你们大概觉得你们认识他 You may think you know him,
      [02:21.86]但关于他的事都是神话 But it’s mostly myth.
      [02:23.40]整部《圣经》都是神话和寓言 The entire bible is mostly myth and allegory
      [02:26.78]有可能基于历史事件 With maybe some basis in historical events.
      [02:30.13]你参与了那段历史? You were part of that history?
      [02:34.46]是的 Yes.
      [02:36.66]摩西 Moses.
      [02:37.93]摩西的原型是米西斯 一个叙利亚神话 Moses was based on misis, a syrian myth,
      [02:41.80]还有更早的版本 And there are earlier versions-
      [02:43.66]万物漂浮在水中 All found floating on water,
      [02:45.46]权杖变成了蛇 The staff that changed to a snake,
      [02:48.03]海水分开 追随者 Waters that were parted so followers3
      [02:50.56]获得自由 Could be led to freedom
      [02:52.13]还有刻在石桌 And even receive laws
      [02:53.63]或木桌上的法典 On stone or wooden tablets.
      [02:55.23]十二使徒之一 One of the apostles.
      [02:58.13]他们其实不是十二使徒 They weren’t really apostles.
      [03:00.58]他们并没有传过教 They didn’t do any real teaching.
      [03:02.96]皮特 那个渔夫 懂得点捕鱼的技能 Peter the fisherman learned a little more about fishing.
      [03:06.30]你怎么知道的? How do you know that?
      [03:10.73]神秘的铺盖越来越厚  The mythical4 overlay is so enormous...

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