


时间:2017-09-19 12:31来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:41.26]-Are you sure? -Positive. -你确定? -确定 [04:47.34]-Look, I dont know if I can do this -Yes, you can. -听着,我不知道自己做不做得来 -你一定行 [04:50.62]For tonight, be the man. 但今晚,当个男子汉 [
  • [04:41.26]-Are you sure? -Positive. -你确定? -确定
    [04:47.34]-Look, I don't know if I can do this -Yes, you can. -听着,我不知道自己做不做得来 -你一定行
    [04:50.62]For tonight, be the man. 但今晚,当个男子汉
    [04:53.38]First off, act like you don't even like her. 首先呢,装着一副根本不喜欢她的样子
    [04:57.14]-Hey -Hey. -嘿 -嘿
    [00:01.66]Second, get her drunk-- 其次呢,把她灌醉
    [00:02.82]really drunk, okay? 真正醉了,好吗?
    [00:05.50]That way the true porn star will come out in her. 那样真正的A片女星模样就会显现出来
    [00:13.38]Here. I, um--I got us something. 这里,我… 我带了样东西
    [00:17.62]Bourbon? 波旁酒?
    [00:20.30]-Are you trying to get me drunk? -No. What? -你想把我灌醉? -不是,怎么?
    [00:22.82]-I thought you liked to rock -Like to rock? -我以为你喜欢摇滚呢 -“喜欢摇滚?”
    [00:28.66]Last andmost important… 最后也是最重要的一点…
    [00:32.34]always be touching1 her, man. 不时地抚摸她,小马
    [00:33.34]That tells her you came here to get down tonight. 暗示她今晚你来这儿是要上床的
    [00:40.30]What are we doing? 我们要做什么?
    [00:41.62]Just chilling 只是吹吹风罢了
    [00:49.14]Oh. Hey, look. 嘿,你看
    [00:54.74]Um, may--maybe, uh, we should, um… 也许我们
    [00:59.18]get a room. 应该开个房间
    [01:01.46]Okay. 好
    [01:12.34]Here it is. 就这间
    [01:28.94]Wow. 哇
    [01:32.90]This is, uh--This is really nice. Uh-- 这里还真的不错
    [01:33.70]TV, air conditioner. 有电视、冷气
    [01:37.58]Got a little lamp there. 还有一盏小台灯
    [01:41.86]Is that a Monet? 那是莫内的画吗?
    [01:47.82]What-- 怎么?
    [01:49.98]What are you thinking? 你在想什么?
    [01:52.26]What are you thinking? 你在想什么?
    [01:57.22]I don't know. 不知道
    [02:08.98]Do you want to fuck me? 你想干我吗?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      邻家女孩      

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