


时间:2018-03-30 12:29来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:17.98]lm just playing with you, man. 逗你玩儿的 [01:21.14]The key to success in going to school, what you do, you get a group of girls... 成功的关键是上学 上学就是找一堆女孩 [01:25.22]...you get them to do your home
  • [01:17.98]l'm just playing with you, man. 逗你玩儿的
    [01:21.14]The key to success in going to school, what you do, you get a group of girls... 成功的关键是上学 上学就是找一堆女孩
    [01:25.22]...you get them to do your homework. 帮你做作业
    [01:27.62]When they do your homework, you get A 's, 她们做作业 你得A
    [01:40.22]-How's it going, man? -l'm still standing2. -干得怎么样 -死不了
    [01:45.38]Get in, man. l'll give you a ride back. 上车 我送你回家
    [01:58.62]Come on. Come on. Pass the ball. Pass the ball. 传球
    [02:02.22]Yeah, baby. Go deep. Go long. 对 亲爱的 长传
    [02:07.38]They're getting the very same education as you... 他们跟你受的教育差不多
    [02:09.74]...so don't pay them any mind. 所以别把他们当回事
    [02:23.46]Oh, check it out. 看
    [02:25.94]Oh, that's old news, brother. l've been there and done that. 那不新鲜了 兄弟 都是我玩儿剩下的
    [02:28.82]-You're lying. -l'm not lying. -骗人 -没有
    [02:29.60]Rich-- Rich--
    [02:37.02]DJ, right? DJ 是吧?
    [02:38.26]My new roommate, DJ. DJ, that's my friend Noel. 我的新室友DJ. DJ 这是我朋友Noel.
    [02:39.38]Good to meet you, brother. 很高兴见到你
    [02:44.94]Now, Thetas. Thetas
    [02:48.34]Everybody got quiet like y'all can't get down! 静一静!
    [02:51.10]What? 恩?
    [02:54.46]Are we the Pythons? 我们是不是蟒蛇?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      街舞少年      

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