


时间:2017-10-09 12:04来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:34.70]Walter said shes fine. 沃尔特说她没事 [02:38.58]- Now, thats the first sign. - Of what? - 那就是第一个征兆 - 关于什么的? [02:38.62]But you said she was shooting off sparks from her ears. 可你说当时她从耳
  • [02:34.70]Walter said she's fine. 沃尔特说她没事
    [02:38.58]- Now, that's the first sign. - Of what? - 那就是第一个征兆 - 关于什么的?
    [02:38.62]But you said she was shooting off sparks from her ears. 可你说当时她从耳朵里迸出火花
    [02:42.38]Cheap jewelry3. 廉价珠宝
    [02:42.86]- We should go see her. - Why? - 我们应该去看看她 - 为什么?
    [02:48.22]Because we need to be supportive. 因为我们要支持她
    [02:48.42]That's how people behave outside of Manhattan. 这就是曼哈顿人在外行事的方式
    [02:51.34]They care about each other. 他们关心彼此
    [02:51.62]I mean, if you were in New York and one of your neighbors got sick 我是说,如果你在纽约 你的一个邻居病了
    [02:56.42]- what would you do? - We'd call her. - 你会怎么做 - 我们会打电话给她
    [02:56.58]- To see if she was gonna die. - So we could get the apartment. - 看看她是不是会死 - 然后我们就可以得到她的公寓了
    [02:58.66]Let's go. Up. Up. Up. 我们走,上,上,上
    [03:04.62]Sarah? 萨拉?
    [03:07.34]- Yoo-hoo. - Yoo-hoo? Is she in there? - 呦-呼 - 呦-呼?她在这儿吗?
    [03:10.70]- What are you doing? - It's open. - 你在做什么? - 门是开着的
    [03:13.98]- That's amazing. - So sweet. - 真令人吃惊 - 太好了
    [03:14.58]And so trusting. 这么信任别人
    [03:22.02]Roger. 罗杰
    [03:25.42]- Look at this place. - Wow. - 看看这地方 - 哇
    [03:28.70]- Sarah? - Sarah? - 萨拉? - 萨拉?
    [03:34.58]Roger. 罗杰
    [03:38.82]Oh, Herb. 噢,赫伯
    [03:43.22]- Oh, baby. - Oh, yes. Oh, yes. - 噢,宝贝 - 噢,耶,噢,耶
    [03:48.18]- Make me beg! - Yeah! - 让我满足吧! - 耶!

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