


时间:2016-08-24 12:27来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:38.32]-Well, I got back a few weeks ago. -I spoke5 to Queenie - 几个星期前 - 昆妮告诉我 [02:43.40]She said you were in the war6, somewhere at sea 昆妮说你去当兵,好像是海军 [02:45.48]-We was so worried about yo
  •   [02:38.32]-Well, I got back a few weeks ago. -I spoke5 to Queenie - 几个星期前 - 昆妮告诉我
      [02:43.40]She said you were in the war6, somewhere at sea 昆妮说你去当兵,好像是海军
      [02:45.48]-We was so worried about you. -Oh, I’m okay - 我们好担心你 - 我没事
      [02:49.08]Well, look at you 看看你
      [02:51.44]You’re so lovely 你好漂亮
      [02:53.76]You stopped writing 你后来没再写信
      [02:57.24]"When I had left, she was a girl 我离开时,她是个女孩
      [03:02.72]And a woman had taken her place 现在变成了一个女人
      [03:04.00]She was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen." 她是我见过最美丽的女人
      [03:07.96]Beautiful 美丽
      [03:09.84]"The most beautiful." 最美丽
      [03:13.44]DAISY; Remember Grandma Fuller? -Sure I do - 你记得富勒奶奶吗? - 当然记得
      [03:15.20]She passed 她过身了
      [03:17.92]I heard that. I’m sorry 我听说了,很遗憾
      [03:20.92]I just can’t believe we’re both here. Must be fate7 我不敢相信我们又再见面 这一定是命运
      [03:24.48]No, no, what do they call it? 不对,他们是怎么说的?
      [03:26.64]Do you know about Edgar Cayce, the psychic8? 你知道预言家爱德盖斯吗?
      [03:29.16]I don’t believe I-- 应该不知道
      [03:30.96]He says that everything is predetermined... 他说一切都是注定的
      [03:34.44]...but I like to think of it as fate 我觉得一切都是命
      [03:40.68]I’m not sure how it works9, but I’m glad it happened 我不是很懂,只是很高兴
      [03:42.56]Have you been to Manhattan? It’s right across the river from me 你去过曼哈顿吗? 跟我住的地方只隔一条河

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