


时间:2016-08-15 12:27来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:27.60]-Good God. -He were supposed to go to Peking... - 天啊 - 我们应该去北京 [00:31.68]...but, um, it never seemed to work out 不过一直没有去成 [00:36.44]Have you been in the Far East? 你去过远东吗? [00:38.32]N
  •   [00:27.60]-Good God. -He were supposed to go to Peking... - 天啊 - 我们应该去北京
      [00:31.68]...but, um, it never seemed to work out 不过一直没有去成
      [00:36.44]Have you been in the Far East? 你去过远东吗?
      [00:38.32]No. I’ve never been anywhere, really 没,其实我哪儿都没去过
      [00:40.32]I mean, outside of harbors2 除了港口以外
      [00:41.44]And where is it that you’re from? 你打哪儿来?
      [00:49.68]I didn’t know there was another 新奥尔良只有一个
      [00:53.36]And she told me about all the places she had been, and what she had seen 她告诉我她去过的地方 还有她看过什么
      [00:58.12]And we talked till just before the dawn 我们一直聊到破晓之前
      [01:05.56]And we went back to our rooms... 然后我们各自回房间
      [01:07.16]...to our separate lives 过着各自的生活
      [01:14.60]But every night, we’d meet again in that lobby3 不过每晚都会在大厅见面
      [01:25.04]A hotel in the middle of the night can be a magical place 半夜的酒店是个神奇的地方
      [01:30.84]A mouse running and stopping 老鼠在跑,然后停下来
      [01:36.32]A radiator4 hissing5 暖气发出嘶嘶声
      [01:39.60]A curtain blowing 窗帘被风吹开
      [01:44.56]There’s something peaceful, even comforting... 让人觉得很宁静,甚至很安慰
      [01:46.44]...knowing that the people you love are asleep in their beds... 因为你爱的人都睡着了

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