


时间:2016-08-15 12:26来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:57.84]-Steep? -Um, soak - 放久一点? - 泡久一点 [04:00.84]I dont know, I mean, theres a proper way of making tea 我们英国人泡茶有一套规矩 [04:03.40]Well, where Im from, people just want it to be hot 我来的地方,
  •   [03:57.84]-Steep? -Um, soak - 放久一点? - 泡久一点
      [04:00.84]I don’t know, I mean, there’s a proper way of making tea 我们英国人泡茶有一套规矩
      [04:03.40]Well, where I’m from, people just want it to be hot 我来的地方,大家都爱喝热茶
      [04:06.36]Well, quite right 那也是
      [04:19.84]-Now, you’re a seaman-- -A sailor - 你是个航海员 - 我是水手
      [04:21.00]I hope you won’t think me impolite, but I have to ask... 恕我冒昧,不过我非问不可
      [04:22.92]...aren’t you a little old to be working on a boat? 你当水手不会嫌太老吗?
      [04:27.08]There’s no age limit. As long as you can do the work 只要能干活,没年龄限制
      [04:40.88]And you have trouble sleeping? Thank you 你有失眠的毛病?谢谢
      [04:43.56]I didn’t think I did. I usually sleep like a baby 应该没有,通常都睡得很好
      [04:45.64]Something’s been keeping me up 有件事让我睡不着
      [04:51.56]My father in his 80s, he was so convinced he was gonna die in his sleep... 我爸80几岁时 深信他会在睡梦中过身
      [04:54.52]...he limited himself to having afternoon naps 于是只在下午小睡
      [04:58.40]He was so determined he was gonna cheat death 他下定决心要战胜死神
      [00:03.96]-Did he? -Did he what? - 他有没有? - 有没有什么?
      [00:04.84]Die in his sleep? 在睡梦中过身?
      [00:08.24]He died, um, sitting in his favorite chair... 他过身时坐在椅子上
      [00:12.80]...listening to his favorite program on the wireless1 听着他最爱的广播节目
      [00:14.76]He must have known something 他一定有预感
      [00:23.72]My husband’s the British trade minister and we’ve been here for 1 4 months 我先生是贸易局局长 我们待在这里有14个月了

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