


时间:2016-08-09 12:14来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:35.16]Sure 没问题 [01:47.68]I hope I havent disappointed3 you 希望我没让你失望 [01:50.48]You couldnt disappoint me 你不可能会让我失望 [01:54.16]Well, I.... 我 [01:57.76]I know I dont have much to show for myself 我
  •   [01:35.16]Sure 没问题
      [01:47.68]I hope I haven’t disappointed3 you 希望我没让你失望
      [01:50.48]You couldn’t disappoint me 你不可能会让我失望
      [01:54.16]Well, I.... 我
      [01:57.76]I know I don’t have much to show for myself 我知道我这一生没什么成就
      [02:00.80]In my dark suitcase 去拿我的深色皮箱
      [02:08.76]There’s a diary 里面有一本日记
      [02:14.16]-This? -Mm 这本吗?
      [02:17.52]Could you read it to me? 你能读给我听吗?
      [02:19.28]Is this what you wanna do? 这就是你的心愿吗?
      [02:22.48]I tried to read it a hundred different times 我不晓得有多少次都想要读
      [02:27.24]DAISY; Mom, it’s not exactly.... 妈,这不算是
      [02:29.76]Just the sound of your voice, darling 我只想听你读的声音
      [02:33.64]Okay 好吧
      [02:38.60]It’s dated, April 4th, 1 985 日期是1985年4月4日
      [02:43.40]It says "New Orleans." 上面写“新奥尔良”
      [02:44.44]"This is my last will and testament4 这是我最后的遗嘱和遗言
      [02:48.36]I don’t have much to leave, few possessions5, no money, really 我没有什么遗产 只有几样东西,一点钱都没有
      [02:53.04]I will go out of this world the same way I came in; alone and with nothing 生死都是孑然一身
      [02:58.56]All I have is my story... 我只有我的故事
      [03:00.56]...and I’m writing it now while I still remember it 趁我还记得要赶紧写下来

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