


时间:2016-09-26 13:01来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:16.26]They tip the chai-wallah with $100 bills. 送茶水的小费都是百元美钞 [04:20.14]lts C. Benjamin Franklin. 答案是C:班哲明富兰克林 [04:23.30]Youre gonna play, yeah? 你要继续? [04:23.82]l think l just have, hav
  •   [04:16.26]They tip the chai-wallah with $100 bills. 送茶水的小费都是百元美钞
      [04:20.14]lt’s ’’C.’’ Benjamin Franklin. 答案是C:班哲明富兰克林
      [04:23.30]You’re gonna play, yeah? 你要继续?
      [04:23.82]l think l just have, haven’t l? 我不是回答了吗?
      [04:25.18]You certainly have. ’’C,’’ right? -right. C. 也对,你的答案是C?  -对,C
      [04:28.10]Who’s on the thousand-rupee note? 千元卢比钞票上的人是谁?
      [04:30.06]l don’t know. 我不知道
      [04:35.26]You don’t know? 你不知道?
      [04:37.22]Gandhi Ji. 是甘地
      [04:40.26]Oh, l’ve heard of him. 有听过这个人
      [04:44.70]Don’t get clever...or l’ll get the electricity out again. 少耍嘴皮子,不然我再电击你
      [04:49.50]Look, they didn’t ask me that question. 他们又没问我这个题目
      [04:53.66]l don’t know why. Ask them. 我不知道为什么,去问他们吧
      [04:56.22]lt’s funny; you don’t seem that interested in money. 真奇怪,你好像对钱没什么兴趣
      [00:01.90]As a matter of fact, you have... 你的累积奖金是…
      [00:05.50]one million rupees! 一百万卢比
      [00:12.62]Explain the hundred dollar bill. 解释百元美钞的事
      [00:18.78]Bombay had turned into Mumbai. 孟买改名了
      [00:23.26]Why can’t you understand? 你为什么就是不懂?
      [00:27.26]l’m sick of this now. 我受够了
      [01:16.82]She used to come here, 她常来这里
      [01:21.62]She lived just ahead of here, do you know her? 以前就住附近,你认识她吗?
      [01:24.58]Haven’t heard of her. 没听过
      [01:34.94]Two chicken burgers, two fries, 两份鸡肉汉堡、两份薯条
      [01:36.14]one mango lassi, one Coke. 一份芒果酸奶昔、一杯可乐

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      贫民窟的百万富翁      

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