


时间:2016-11-27 21:00来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:49.98]Come on, baby , why you being so upset, huh? [01:50.58]Get your goddamned clothes -你应该表演杂耍 -滚!滚蛋! [01:52.54]and get the hell out of here ! [01:53.54]You should be in a sideshow . 蓝诺,走,不必吃这一
  •   [01:49.98]Come on, baby , why you being so upset, huh?
      [01:50.58]Get your goddamned clothes -你应该表演杂耍 -滚!滚蛋!
      [01:52.54]and get the hell out of here !
      [01:53.54]You should be in a sideshow . 蓝诺,走,不必吃这一套!
      [01:56.94]Get out of here !
      [01:58.14]You’re so pathetic!
      [02:00.22]Loser. You freak! 废物!怪物!
      [02:09.18]Oh, no. No. 不要!
      [02:34.30]I’m sorry I ruined 抱歉,我弄砸你的新年派对
      [02:37.30]your New Year’s Eve party , Lieutenant Dan.
      [02:40.30]She tastes like cigarettes. 她的气味像香烟
      [02:57.10]I guess Lieutenant Dan figured 丹中尉想通了 有些事改变不了
      [02:59.14]there’s some things you just can’t change.
      [03:02.14]He didn’t want to be called crippled 他不愿被骂作残废
      [03:05.14]just like I didn’t want to be called stupid. 就像我不愿被骂作笨蛋
      [03:14.18]Happy new year, Gump. 阿甘,新年快乐!
      [03:20.66]The U.S. Ping-Pong team 今天美国乒乓球队…
      [03:21.22]met with President Nixon today... 在白宫晋见尼克森总统
      [03:24.22]Wouldn’t you know it? 几个月后
      [03:25.02]A few months later, 他们居然邀我和球队去白宫
      [03:26.22]they invited me and the Ping-Pong team
      [03:29.26]to visit the White House. 我又进白宫了
      [03:32.14]again. 又见到了美国总统
      [03:32.26]So I went...
      [03:34.06]And I met the president of the United States again.
      [03:37.54]Only this time, they didn’t get us rooms 这一次还招待我们住大饭店

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