


时间:2016-11-27 20:56来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:06.26]Make a right. Take a right! 右转! [01:11.14]Hey ! [01:12.14]Ah, ah! [01:14.22]What do you do here in New York, Lieutenant Dan? 丹中尉,你来纽约做什么? [01:17.18]Im living off the government tit. 我在吸政府的奶
  •   [01:06.26]Make a right. Take a right! 右转!…
      [01:11.14]Hey !
      [01:12.14]Ah, ah!
      [01:14.22]What do you do here in New York, Lieutenant Dan? 丹中尉,你来纽约做什么?
      [01:17.18]I’m living off the government tit. 我在吸政府的奶水,吸干它
      [01:22.66]Hey, hey, hey, are you blind? -你瞎眼了,我在走路! -你回家去免得自己送死
      [01:25.22]I’m walking here ! 别挡路!快走!…
      [01:28.22]Come on. Go, go, go!
      [01:29.70](Singing Silent Night)
      [01:36.58]I stayed with Lieutenant Dan 我陪丹中尉过圣诞节和新年
      [01:39.26]and celebrated3 the holidays.
      [01:45.58]God bless you.
      [01:52.30]Have you found Jesus yet, Gump? 阿甘,你找到耶稣没有?
      [01:55.58]I didn’t know I was supposed to be looking for Him, sir. 我本来不知道我应该寻找他
      [02:05.10]That’s all these cripples down at the V. A.-- 荣民医院那些残废
      [02:10.26]That’s all they ever talk about. 都说要寻找耶稣
      [02:12.14]Jesus this and Jesus that. Ha. 开口闭口都喊耶稣
      [02:17.34]Have I...found Jesus? 我找到耶稣没有?
      [02:19.62]They even had a priest come and talk to me. 他们甚至派人来向我传教
      [02:24.66]He said God is listening, 他说上帝听祷告但我得先自救
      [02:26.18]but I have to help myself.
      [02:29.18]Now, if I accept Jesus into my heart , 我若是心中接受耶稣
      [02:32.22]I’ll get to walk beside Him in the kingdom of heaven. 就会随他一同走进天国
      [02:38.22]Did you hear what I said? 你听到没有?
      [02:40.26]Walk... 随他一同走进天国
      [02:41.70]beside Him in the kingdom of heaven.
      [02:46.26]Well...kiss my crippled ass5. 放他妈的残废屁

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