


时间:2016-11-27 20:51来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[05:05.92]You do. [05:10.96]What? [05:15.96]Im glad we were here together in our nations capital. 我们一起在首都使我很高兴 [00:03.65]Im glad we were here together in our nations capital. 我们一起在首都使我很高兴 [00:
  •   [05:05.92]You do.
      [05:15.96]I’m glad we were here together in our nation’s capital. 我们一起在首都使我很高兴
      [00:03.65]I’m glad we were here together in our nation’s capital. 我们一起在首都使我很高兴
      [00:09.32]Me, too, Forrest. 我也是,弗勒斯!
      [00:11.24]We walked around all night, Jenny and me, 我们走了一整夜
      [00:14.16]just talkin’.
      [00:16.87]She told me about all the traveling she’d done 她把她走过的地方都说给我听
      [00:21.71]and how she discovered ways to expand her mind 谈她如何学会扩阔思想
      [00:25.59]and learn how to live in harmony... 如何学会和谐共存
      [00:27.50]which must be out west somewhere, 那一定是在西部
      [00:29.38]’cause she made it all the way to California. 因为她一直西行去加州
      [00:32.38]# Love one another right now ##
      [00:34.42]Hey .
      [00:36.42]Anybody want to go to San Francisco? 有人要去旧金山吗?
      [00:39.90]I’ll go. 我去!
      [00:40.02]Far out! 太棒了!
      [00:42.62]It was a very special night 那一夜我们很特别
      [00:43.66]for the two of us.
      [00:48.26]I didn’t want it to end. 我不想结束!
      [00:51.66]Wish you wouldn’t go,Jenny . 我希望你不要走!珍妮!
      [00:55.22]I have to, Forrest. 我非走不可!
      [00:58.22]Jenny ? 珍妮?
      [01:00.30]Things got a little out of hand. 事情有一点失控
      [01:02.26]It’s just this war 只是因为越战及詹森欺骗人
      [01:02.94]and that lying son of a bitch Johnson and--
      [01:07.62]I would never hurt you. You know that. 我决不会伤害你,你明白

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