


时间:2016-11-15 22:10来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:23.72]Weve been through every kind of rain there is- - 我们经历到每一种雨 [01:25.72]Iittle bitty stinging2 rain 有绵绵细雨 [01:27.52]and big old fat rain, 有又肥又大的雨 [01:31.40]rain that flew in side ways, 有横扫
  •   [01:23.72]We’ve been through every kind of rain there is- - 我们经历到每一种雨
      [01:25.72]Iittle bitty stinging2 rain 有绵绵细雨
      [01:27.52]and big old fat rain, 有又肥又大的雨
      [01:31.40]rain that flew in side ways, 有横扫的暴雨
      [01:34.08]and sometimes rain even seemed 还有那种雨像是从下面上来
      [01:38.04]to come straight up from underneath3.
      [01:39.64]Shoot, it even rained at night. 甚至于晚上下雨
      [01:45.08]Hey, Forrest. 弗勒斯
      [01:46.40]Hey, Bubba. 巴布
      [01:48.08]I’m going to lean up against you. 我要向你靠,你也靠向我
      [01:48.44]You lean up against me.
      [01:51.44]This way we don’t have to sleep 这样我们的头不必睡在泥里
      [01:54.76]with our heads in the mud.
      [01:56.76]You know why we’re a good partnership4, Forrest? 可知我们为什么是好搭档?
      [01:58.44]’Cause we be watching out for one another,
      [02:02.80]Iike brothers and stuff. 像骨肉弟兄
      [02:05.48]Hey, Forrest, 弗勒斯,我在想一些事
      [02:06.16]something I been thinking about.
      [02:08.84]I got a very important question to ask you. 有句重要的话要问你
      [02:12.52]How would you like to go 你想不想跟我做虾生意?
      [02:14.52]into the shrimping business with me?
      [02:19.52]O.K. 好!
      [02:21.88]Man, I tell you what. 兄弟,我都计算过了
      [02:23.20]I got it all figured out, too.
      [02:23.56]So many pounds of shrimp5 要捕多少虾偿付买船的钱
      [02:26.56]So many pounds for gas. 要多少虾付油钱
      [02:29.56]We’ll live right on the boat. 我们可以住在船上节省房租

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