


时间:2016-11-15 22:09来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:12.56]Now I dont know much about anything, [00:13.92]but I think some of Americas best young men 我对任何事都不很了解 [00:14.92]但我想军中有些最优秀的青年 [00:16.92]served in this war. [00:19.24]There was Dallas f
  •   [00:12.56]Now I don’t know much about anything,
      [00:13.92]but I think some of America’s best young men 我对任何事都不很了解
      [00:16.92]served in this war.
      [00:19.24]There was Dallas from Phoenix1. 有达拉斯,凤凤城人
      [00:21.92]Cleveland- - he was from Detroit. 克里夫兰,他是底特律人
      [00:24.28]Hey, Tex . 德克斯!…
      [00:26.48]Hey, Tex .
      [00:29.76]What the hell’s going on? 兄弟,怎么回事?
      [00:30.44]And Tex was- - 德克斯…这…
      [00:33.52]Well, I don’t remember where Tex come from-- 我想不起他是哪里人
      [00:35.20]Ah, nothing. 没事!
      [00:41.36]Y’all got 10 clicks to go to that river.
      [00:41.92]Fourth platoon, on your feet. 第四排,起立!
      [00:44.24]Move out. 离那条河还有十公里
      [00:47.88]1, 2! Hup! 我们出发!
      [00:51.24]Look alive out there .
      [00:53.88]The good thing about Vietnam 越南的好处是总有地方可去
      [00:56.88]is there was always someplace to go.
      [00:57.20]Fire in the hole! 坑里要爆炸了!
      [01:01.56]Gump, check out that hole. 阿甘,检查坑里!
      [01:06.24]And there was always something to do. 而且总是有事可做…
      [01:09.24]Mount’em up! 把他们堆起来
      [01:10.92]Spread out! Cover his back! 散开,掩护他背后
      [01:17.40]One day it started raining, 有一天下起雨来
      [01:19.08]and it didn’t quit for four months. 一下就是四个月没停

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      阿甘正传      

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