


时间:2016-11-15 21:55来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:21.08]that is so evident today- - 今天明显的看到 [03:23.08]A trend to ward4 military dictatorship in this country. 军方有独裁的倾向 [03:29.44]And so, at days end, 抗争一天,阿拉巴马大学让步 [03:31.44]the Univ
  •   [03:21.08]that is so evident today- - 今天明显的看到
      [03:23.08]A trend to ward4 military dictatorship in this country. 军方有独裁的倾向
      [03:29.44]And so, at day’s end, 抗争一天,阿拉巴马大学让步
      [03:31.44]the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa had been desegregated,
      [03:36.60]and students Jimmy Hood5 and Vivian Malone 开放给黑人
      [03:45.84]Ma’am, you dropped your book. 小姐,你的书掉了,小姐…
      [03:47.72](Chet Huntley) Govern or Wallace did what he promised. 华里斯州长照他的承诺到校园
      [03:51.72]By being on the Tuscaloosa campus, he kept the mob... 防止了群众集结消灭一场暴力
      [03:54.40]Say, wasn’t that Gump? 那不是阿甘吗?
      [03:54.56]Naw, that couldn’t be. 不可能
      [03:56.96]It sure as hell was. 天,就是他
      [04:04.32](Gump) A few years later, 几年之后
      [04:06.44]that angry little man at the school house door 挡校门的那个小怒汉
      [04:07.48]thought it’d be a good idea and ran for president. 觉得选总统是好主意
      [04:13.36]But somebody thought that it wasn’t. 可是也有人说不好
      [04:17.32]But he didn’t die.
      [04:24.40]My bus is here . 我的巴士来了!
      [04:26.40]Is it the number 9? 是不是九路车?
      [04:28.40]No, it’s the number 4. 不是,四路车!
      [04:30.44]It was nice talking to you. 和你谈话很愉快
      [04:38.12]I remember when that happened, 我记得那件事
      [04:39.44]when Wallace got shot.
      [04:39.48]I was in college. 华里斯遇刺时我正在念大学
      [04:42.20]Did you go to a girls’ college
      [04:43.20]or a girls’ and boys’ together college? 你念女子大学还是男女合校
      [04:46.96]It was coed. -是男女合校 -珍妮上的大学我不能念
      [04:49.04]’Cause Jenny went to a college I couldn’t go to.
      [04:51.24]It was a college just for girls. 只收女生!
      [04:53.92]But I’d go and visit her every chance I got. 不过我一有空就去看她

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