


时间:2016-11-15 21:54来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:03.64]but he sure is fast. 但肯定跑得最快 [02:08.40]Now, maybe its just me, 也许是我的问题 [02:10.12]but college was very confusing times. 但总觉得大学越念越糊涂 [02:15.76]Federal troops, enforcing a court order
  •   [02:03.64]but he sure is fast. 但肯定跑得最快
      [02:08.40]Now, maybe it’s just me, 也许是我的问题
      [02:10.12]but college was very confusing times. 但总觉得大学越念越糊涂
      [02:15.76]Federal troops, enforcing a court order, 联邦派军队强制执行 法院命令
      [02:16.36]in tegrated the University of Alabama today. 使阿拉巴马大学黑白同校
      [02:19.68]Two Negroes were admitted, 两名黑人获准入学
      [02:20.12]but only after Go vern or George Wallace 华里斯州长挡在校门口 做了象徵性的示威
      [02:22.12]had carried out his symbolic1 threat
      [02:24.12]to stand in the school house door.
      [02:28.12]I take it from that statement... 华里斯州长 你不服从法院命令
      [02:30.48]Earl, what’s going on? 厄尔,怎么回事?
      [02:32.48]Coons are trying to get into school. “浣熊”要进入学校
      [02:33.48]Coons? When raccoons tried getting on our back porch, 浣熊?浣熊若跑上后廊
      [02:36.52]Mama just chased them off with a broom. 我妈就拿扫帚驱赶
      [02:40.52]Not raccoons, you idiot. Niggers . 笨蛋,不是真浣熊,是指黑人
      [02:42.24]And they want to go to school with us. 他们要跟我们同校
      [02:45.28]With us? They do? 跟我们同校?真的吗?
      [02:47.28](TV Reporter) Shortly after Govern or Wallace 华里斯州长如他所说挡住校门
      [02:49.28]had carried out his promise to block the door way,
      [02:52.28]Kennedy ordered these cretary of defense2 to use military force. 甘尼迪总统令国防部长用武力
      [02:55.84]Here, by video tape, is the encounter 国民兵司令葛拉汉将军
      [02:56.44]by General Graham, commander of the National Guard,
      [03:00.48]and Govern or Wallace. 与华里斯州长交锋
      [03:03.36]are here today as federal soldiers for Alabama,
      [03:08.36]and they live within our borders. 是本州的乡亲子弟
      [03:10.36]They are our brothers.
      [03:12.36]We are winning in this fight, 这场抗争我们占上风
      [03:14.04]because we are awakening3 the American people 我们唤醒美国人
      [03:17.08]to the dangers that we have spoken about so many times 认清我们曾多次强调的危机

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