


时间:2022-03-16 16:49来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:34.10]Stop, stop, stop. 停,停,停 [03:37.18]Goddamn it, stop. What the hell are you doing? 该死,停下来 你到底在做什么? [03:44.14]Okay. 好吧 [03:46.02]If Im gonna take you on-- 如果我来教你-- [03:49.42]-You
  • [03:34.10]Stop, stop, stop. 停,停,停
    [03:37.18]Goddamn it, stop. What the hell are you doing? 该死,停下来 你到底在做什么?
    [03:44.14]Okay. 好吧
    [03:46.02]If I'm gonna take you on-- 如果我来教你--
    [03:49.42]-You won't never regret it. -Look, just Iisten to me. - 你一定不会后悔的 - 听我说就行了
    [03:52.10]-If I take you on-- -I promise I'II work so hard. - 如果我来教你-- - 我保证我会非常努力
    [03:55.14]God, this is a mistake already. 天,这已经是个错误了
    [04:00.62]I'm Iistening, boss. 我听着呢,老板
    [04:01.90]If I take you on, you don't say anything, you don't question me. 如果我来教你,你一句话也不要说 你不能对我有疑问
    [04:06.62]You don't ask why, you don't say anything except maybe, "Yes, Frankie." 不要问我问题 除了“是,弗兰基”以外什么也不要说
    [04:11.18]And I'm gonna try to forget the fact that you're a girl. 还有我会试着忘记 你是个女孩这个事实
    [04:14.34]That's all I ask. 我就要求这么多
    [04:16.94]And don't come crying to me if you get hurt. 另外如果你受伤了别对我哭
    [04:17.90]-AIrighty. -We got a deal. - 好的 - 我们一言为定
    [04:21.78]No, not quite. 没,还没有
    [04:24.02]I'm gonna teach you how to fight... 我教你怎么打拳
    [04:26.58]...then we'II get you a manager, and I'm off down the road. 然后给你找个经理人 我就放手不管了
    [04:29.06]-I hate to argue with you, but-- -Don't argue, that's the way we're doing it. - 我不想和你争,不过-- - 别跟我争,我们就这么办

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