


时间:2022-02-14 14:50来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:46.22]Canvas has titties. Hey, Iook at me. Im Shawrelle. 地板长了奶子 嘿,看看我,我是谢瑞尔 [04:00.34]Just humping the canvas. Humping the floor. 跟拳台做啊 跟地板做啊 [04:05.18]Come on, bro. The floor having
  •   [03:46.22]Canvas has titties. Hey, Iook at me. I'm Shawrelle. 地板长了奶子 嘿,看看我,我是谢瑞尔

      [04:00.34]Just humping the canvas. Humping the floor. 跟拳台做啊 跟地板做啊

      [04:05.18]Come on, bro. The floor having titties? That's funny, bro. 靠,兄弟,地板长了奶子? 挺搞笑的,兄弟

      [04:07.10]Shut up, man. What you Iaughing at? 闭嘴吧你 你们笑什么呢

      [04:12.94]Man, hold the bag, stupid. 哥们儿,扶住沙袋,傻瓜

      [04:14.54]Some titties right there, man. 那边有奶子啊,哥们儿

      [04:17.94]Yo, when they start making those tights for men, FIippy? 冒失鬼,他们什么时候 开始做男式紧身裤了?

      [04:22.82]Punk. 废物

      [04:24.90]AII right, that's enough. That's enough for the day. 好了,足够了 今天足够了

      [04:30.14]-I'II give you a rubdown. -Oh, I can't, Frankie. - 我给你按摩一下 - 噢,我没时间,弗兰基

      [04:32.06]Middle one's got a piano Iesson. I told Grace I'd drive her. 孩子有钢琴课 我跟格蕾斯说我去送她

      [04:36.02]-Something wrong with Gracie's car? -She hates that car. - 格蕾斯的车坏了? - 她讨厌那辆车

      [04:40.10]Wants the old one back, but the dealer4 said he's already got a buyer. 想把那辆旧车要回来 可是卖车的说他已经有买家了

      [04:41.98]Maybe I should talk to the dealer. 我也许应该和卖车的谈谈

      [04:44.58]I'd appreciate that. 那我真是感激不尽

      [04:48.82]-Thanks. -See you Iater. - 谢谢 - 回头见

      [04:59.98]The man's a rubdown whore. Today he doesn't want one. 那家伙按摩成瘾 今天他不想按摩

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